Today's Friday 5

Nov 20, 2009 14:24

From  fannish5:  Name the five most annoying characters ever.

5. Norma Cassidy, Victor/Victoria.  Yes, I love her talking about guys with Toddy, but that whole scene when King's impotent...
4. Benny Carbassa, Highlander.  I get what they were trying to do, I really do, but I kinda liked Leo Getz by the end of Lethal Weapon 2 and I never did like Benny.
3. ( Read more... )

memes: friday five

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Comments 19

pat_t November 20 2009, 20:48:55 UTC
Poor Benny. He was a mess, wasn't he?


sinanju November 20 2009, 21:15:02 UTC
Yeah, but I liked him. I've even written him into some of my Highlander fanfic.

Of course, I figure there _has_ to be more to Benny than we saw for him to have lasted even as long as he has. I think of this episode as an abberation--for the most part, I imagine that Benny has a finely tuned sense of danger and knows when to get the heck out of Dodge.


gryphonrhi November 20 2009, 21:24:29 UTC
::grins:: I know you like him, but I never did. How old is he supposed to have been, anyway? Hmm. And I thought Johnny K was annoying, the mobster whose picture Duncan plastered on buses and billboards everywhere?


pat_t November 20 2009, 21:30:47 UTC
I really couldn't stand Johnny K. He was very annoying. Duncan seemed to feel the same way.


pat_t November 20 2009, 20:49:21 UTC
And, personally, I think Methos would have taken Benny's head.


gryphonrhi November 20 2009, 21:25:17 UTC
I need to break down and write the 'who took Cimmoli's head fic' sometime.


pat_t November 20 2009, 21:31:49 UTC
*laughs* Yeah, he was another annoying character.


em_kellesvig November 20 2009, 23:25:44 UTC
Methos did it. Waited til Amanda had Mac all tied up into knots, literally, then flew to Vegas. Why do you think Cimoli looked so surprised?


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