fannish5: Name the five most annoying characters ever.
5. Norma Cassidy, Victor/Victoria. Yes, I love her talking about guys with Toddy, but that whole scene when King's impotent...
4. Benny Carbassa, Highlander. I get what they were trying to do, I really do, but I kinda liked Leo Getz by the end of Lethal Weapon 2 and I never did like Benny.
3. Lina Lamont, Singin' in the Rain. Ohmigod, her voice alone.
2. Short-Round, Indiana Jones & The Temple of Doom. He was there to bring in the kids, and that was the whole point. Annoying.
1. Jar-Jar Binks, Phantom Menace. Hands down, no questions asked the worst. 'Nails down chalkboard' irritating and there for the happy meal figurines, as far as I could tell.