Yuletide recommendations

Dec 31, 2007 23:47

Oh my God. Even for Yuletide, the signal to noise ratio has been amazing. In no particular order, I bring you a great many recommendations. 42, to be precise, in 24 fandoms. Some of these have been recommended everywhere and some I haven't seen mentioned. Regardless, I hope you enjoy!

American Gods (Neil Gaiman):
Words, Words, Words: Shadow, his mother's death, and true stories.

Burn Notice:
Dollars for Sense: An episode that just wasn't aired. Really. Right down to the narration and details and tips.

International Man of Mystery: Michael Weston at key periods of his life, beautifully observed, and the last line is a killer.

Chalion series (Lois McMaster Bujold):
Unseason: The Bastard is still turning Ista to His tasks. This reads as if Bujold had written it.

Dearer For Its Mystery: Also Ista and a task; a different flavor, but still excellent.

Damar series (Robin McKinley):
Good and Faithful: There are reasons Harimad-sol's Rider isn't in Damar with her. Here they are.

Discworld (Terry Pratchett):
Not a Cat Person: Granny Weatherwax, a kitten, and a discussion about a better establishment for said kitten.

The Birthday of Eternity: Death, Nanny, and a slight problem.

Most Interesting Day: A day in Captain Carrot's life. Hilarious. Really. Don't miss his punctuation, or his unique world view. Or the ladies' ensembles, for that matter.

Susan Sto Helit's Day Off: Precisely what it said, not what I expected, and very much in character.

Some Justice: Carcer's death. Really. Couldn't happen to a more deserving bastard.

Hexperiment: The return of the Luggage. 'Nuff said.

Tough Love: Jack and S.A.R.A.H. tag-team beautifully. You'll see.

Into the Wild World: Kind of the flip side of Tough Love. The other story about how much Jack loves Zoe, and how proud he is of her.

Secrets: Work-related erotica hacked and cat macros due any day now... just another day in Eureka, I suspect.

Fairy Tales:
The Colour of Poison Berries: A fairy tale remix I liked. (Although I'm still not sure it's not a werewolf story.)

What the Pea Proved: The princess's take on this story. And yes, her name absolutely had to be Sari.

The Fifth Element:
Public Interest: You know the media got involved, right? I mean, come on, Ruby Rhod's broadcast, the Diva, yeah, the media had to show up. Worse -- the reporter called Korben's mother.

From Eroica With Love:
New Employee Orientation: On reasons for shouting, and forensic accountants.

The Beat That My Heart Skipped (Sounded Like This): A very sharp-edged and competent take on Klaus and Eroica.

Greek/Roman mythology:
The Year-Wheel's Reunion: A different take on Persephone.

Spider's Web: Plots and counterplots -- nothing new around Odysseus.

Homicide: Life on the Streets/Batman:
Up and Away: Munch transfers to Gotham. No. Really.

Lord Peter Wimsey series (Dorothy L. Sayers):
Ducenti Quinquagenta: Da mihi basia mille, or, a missing scene between Gaudy Night and Busman's Honeymoon. Lovely.

Three Times Radar Made Christmas Bearable: Exactly what it says. If you wanted a feel-good fic, this is it.

Redeployment: Not a particularly happy fic, but they made me believe BJ/Hawkeye, and that's saying something.

Fallen Creatures, R, for horror and slash, but a *great* plot.

The Mummy/Mummy Returns:
Relics: Ardeth Bey's life and vocation amidst and around the movies. Lyrical and mythical and riddling, well worth the time to read and contemplate.

there is no man of yesterday: Somehow, Jonathan always keeps the right piece of treasure. But why are there always mummies?

Norse Mythology:
There's No Rainbow Bridge Across the Generation Gap: What if you planned a Ragnarok and no one was sure they wanted to come?

The Princess Bride:
There Will Be No Survivors (Except for the Survivors Behind the Curtain, But Pay No Attention to Them): Inigo Montoya isn't taking well to piracy, oddly enough.

Slings & Arrows:
Homing: Set post season 3, a lovely look at things through Anna's eyes. I don't have words for how happy this fic has made me.

The Midsummer Diaries: The idea of Darren Nichols playing Puck is not the sort of thing to make me crack up. The idea of Maria MST3King the play, however, is more than reason to read this.

Those That Play Your Clowns: I had no idea how badly I'd wanted to hear about Geoffrey's Hamlet from someone other than him, Ellen, or Oliver, until someone kindly wrote Cyril's take on it. This is about Hamlet, and acting, and hearts, and it's beyond splendid.

Extra-Proscenium, In Love With A Spear-Carrier: Ellen. Ellen and Oliver, Ellen and Geoffrey, and Ellen.

Smoke series (Tanya Huff):
It's Never the Good Kind (Except When It Is): One, it reads like something Huff would have written, and two, it has wonderful hilarious moments. But now I want someone to write me CB/Henry.

A Study In Emerald (Neil Gaiman):
The Incident of the Opera House: Meet this world's Irene Adler.

Top Gun:
Attitude Adjustment: Maverick/Iceman? And someone made me believe it? Huh. ::grinning:: Not to mention, hot.

Those Who Hunt the Night (Barbara Hambly):
The Inconstant Moon: Lydia and James before they marry. Lovely.

Vorkosigan series (Lois McMasterBujold):
The Emperor's Curve: Gregor's first day at the Academy, and a conversation only Cordelia would have with him.

How Bright Is My Mud: Mark and Ivan team up. Yeah. Really.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down: This is the sequel to the movie. No, really.

Obviously, I didn't make it through all 2,042 stories, so I anticipate weeks of reading yet, but I considered these some high points of what I did read. Enjoy!

yuletide: recommendations

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