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Comments 15

killabeez September 1 2006, 04:17:14 UTC
Poor sweetie! I'm so sorry about your ankle. Tres suckage!


gryphonrhi September 1 2006, 19:39:22 UTC
Hey, it's like a bad haircut -- wait a few weeks and it'll be better. ::shrugs:: It's just at the 'really starting to hurt' stage, damn it. Thanks, Killa. {{hugs}}

How're you doing, by the way? Good trip? Getting caught up on backlogged stuff?


killabeez September 7 2006, 17:26:41 UTC
How're you doing, by the way? Good trip? Getting caught up on backlogged stuff?

The only way I know how to answer that question these days is, crazy but okay. *g* I'm having a lot of emotional Issues this year, but I think I'm slowly starting to work my way toward coping with them. And yes, I'm starting to get caught up, a little. I don't know where the days go, though. It's hard not to want to hide from the world a lot, and I think I'm grateful that Dave's working from home now, because that makes hiding a non-option. It's sorta like being married to a Duncan MacLeod, really.

Now, I just need more hours in the day! How about you?


gryphonrhi September 7 2006, 17:51:59 UTC
::wry:: Dealing with emotional issues of my own, honestly. {{hugs}} I so know how that goes, and I'm glad you've got Dave there to help. Is there anything I can do to help? If there is, yell, please.

Me, I'd like a few more hours in the day, I'd like the user's manual that must be around *somewhere* for my brain, but other than that, I'm okay. ::g:: Well, or the problems are honestly too small to bitch about.

Anyway. {{hugs}} and I hope you had a fabulous time. You totally deserved to have a great time.


falzalot September 1 2006, 05:08:49 UTC
Owie! Feel better soon!!


gryphonrhi September 1 2006, 19:41:26 UTC
::nods emphatically:: Owie. Thanks.


jimpage363 September 1 2006, 05:54:26 UTC
Ouch, my friend!
Feel better!!


gryphonrhi September 1 2006, 19:41:55 UTC
::giggling:: Love the icon, and yeah, I'm working on it! Thanks!


ann_i_blessing September 1 2006, 07:28:01 UTC
Ow; fast is high-impactier than slow. Dancers know from experience what to do. And it saves money.


gryphonrhi September 1 2006, 19:26:53 UTC
Yeah, it's an ouch. ::sigh:: And it's been hurting a little more each day, which is why I finally mentioned it Thursday. Bad news is, it's likely to keep getting worse for a while. Good news is, it'll heal. ::amused:: Having an overactive immune system make even make it heal quickly.... But nah, Jane's been dancing or teaching dance professionally for something like 45 years. Between her and Ann, the nurse, I think they know whereof they speak. ;->


anglopollyanna September 1 2006, 07:30:37 UTC
Nasty things those umbrella stands, just waiting to leap out at unsuspecting passers-by.

Many thanks for those Fitz moments, which fitted his 'Uh-oh' expression perfectly, and such a darling expression it is :-)

(Makes me think that Fitz may be one immortal for whom being sterile is really a big advantage!)


gryphonrhi September 1 2006, 19:24:41 UTC
::giggling:: Fitz is definitely in that category, but he's definitely not *alone*, either!


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