Part 1 of the 5 things meme, a GIP, and the state of the Rhi

Aug 31, 2006 22:48

The GIP part is obvious -- the other Halloween icon shemchadash made me. Now I have to find and download and upload the gorgeous Krycek/Connor icon that ranalore made me and I'm caught up again...

State of the Rhi is, currently, ouch. I have not sprained my ankle this time. I've cracked or chipped the bone. ::sigh:: I was walking on a patio and there was a cast iron umbrella stand, sans umbrella which is why I didn't know it was there, and I managed to walk past and clip the inside of the ankle against it. At my usual walking pace, which ain't slow. So, ice packs, and arnica, and ankle brace. And a week and a half off from ballet, 'cause I can point and flex, but the ankle just is not coping with releve, damn it. Fortunately, one of my ballet classmates is a nurse, and the instructor's been dancing for more years than I'm going to mention in public. They looked at it, looked at me, and said, "Well, a doctor'll x-ray it, tell you which it is, and put you in a walking boot. We'd say wear your really *good* brace, use ice packs, and don't do anything that really hurts." ::shrug:: Guess which one I'm going with?

5 places I'd go if instant travel was a reality:
1. Reykjavik, Iceland. Hot springs, volcanoes, and glaciers -- really, really want to see this one day.
2. New Zealand. Which is going to take a month and me winning the lottery, but a woman can dream, right?
3. Brasilia, Brazil. Because the city was planned all the way down to designing for three types of traffic (foot, car, and bike) and I want to see how they laid everything out.
4. Jedburgh, Scotland. It's the most peaceful place I'd ever felt. If I go there instantly on the bad days, I would.
5. Neuschwanstein, Germany. Really, really want to see this castle in person.

5 things that made Fitz go, 'Uh-oh!'
1. The sight of a fair maiden whom he'd known... when accompanied by the unmistakable sound of a hammer being cocked back on a gun behind him.
2. Amanda showing up, all smiles and sweet words, and not telling him immediately what she wanted.
3. The time he lost the coin for room and board at a dart game. Losing was fine, but half of it was MacLeod's.
4. Hopping half-naked and one-booted through the halls of the inn, with an irate husband somewhere behind and another immortal somewhere ahead. He and Ramirez traded rounds the rest of the night at a taven, each waxing more extravagent about their abandoned paramours....
5. He'd just gotten the hang of these new mechanical carriages, he thought. Then he found out about hydroplaning.

If you wanted to ask for a fannish, or none, '5 things,' go here. Since I said I'd put names to the fannish advice in that entry, here they are. No surprise to anyone, I'm sure.

1. Written to Amanda about Cory
2. Written to Rich about Duncan.
3. Written to Joe about Duncan.
4. Written to Claudia; the composer in question was Rachmaninoff.
5. Written to Krycek.

More of these, um, later. Yeah, that's it. ::cheerful:: These are *hard*! Insane fun, but also hard!

livejournal: gip, memes: 5 things, health, writing: story ideas, fandoms: x-files, fandoms: highlander

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