"So then what happened?"

Nov 01, 2005 14:23

hesychasm invented a neat new meme: Ask me what happens next after one of my stories and I'll tell you.

taselby added two caveats: I may not know. You may not like the answer. I'm adding a third caveat: In no way am I promising to write a sequel to anything. ::g:: Except the Southern Comfort fic to date.

That said, my stories are here. Feel free to ask. ( Read more... )

stories: line war, writing: discussions, memes, writing: story ideas

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Comments 48

edana_ni_emer November 1 2005, 20:27:13 UTC
Stillpoint! :-)

Do Mulder and Methos ever run into each other again? Does that wonderfully peculiar family group of Immortals and Watchers ever run into him and Scully? And specifically, does he ever get to meet Aidan? If Methos nearly flipped out over finding a Seer, and as one of the Draoichtas she'd almost feel compelled to teach him how to use his gifts properly.... gah. That's been bugging me since the first time I read it. :-P


"Stillpoint" gryphonrhi November 1 2005, 20:53:59 UTC
::amused:: Oh, that. Well, the answer is yes and no. Yes, they do, but in Alysswolf's AU stories, not in my universe. I was going to let Mulder run into them, and in fact I've got 60 or 80 singlespace *pages* about it (cue the "Arrrgh!")... except my brain kicked in and pointed out how many different people watch Mulder, and how completely impossible it would be to keep immortals out of labs, and well, er, no. I'm keeping Mulder away from them. Krycek is going to be another story, but first I have to figure out how to salvage all that work. ::sigh::

So, er, in short -- no, they never run into each other at all in the Aidanverse. But in the world Alyss is running with, they run into each other and Duncan drags both of them into bed.


Re: "Stillpoint" edana_ni_emer November 1 2005, 20:58:29 UTC
Yay for them bumping into each other again. :-) Even if it's not in the Aidenverse. And yey for you for reminding me to go find her stories again because they're really nifty.

Though honestly... the minute Aiden found out about the Consortium, what they were up to, and that they were watching with malicious intent....

Said Consortium would not be long for this world. Or any other. She's scary when she's mad. And they don't have the good excuse that the Watchers do.


Re: "Stillpoint" gryphonrhi November 1 2005, 21:05:56 UTC
::wry:: Aidan is fricking terrifying when angry, and she does have an appalling pool of talent to call upon. It's that pool that I meant to set against the Consortium. Duathor, Ish, Nazif and Salim are all assassins, among other things, and Damien is a hacker from hell. And then there's Farrell who blends in wherever he goes and has the sort of ethical code that wouldn't let him leave some of the Consortium alive.... It had potential.


imortalscot November 1 2005, 20:48:12 UTC
I wish you would continue with the Aidan series. Like what happens with Marc's training. What happens with Richie being trained by Daimen? Stuff like that. Love the stories, but wish you would continue with them.


gryphonrhi November 1 2005, 21:03:15 UTC
Partly I'm working on original fic, and partly I'm working on other fanfic, but a lot of the explanation is that I lost the momentum in that universe the couple years I was so sick. And writing those needs momentum, honestly, because the next few stories looked likely to be pretty rough. I'm really not sure if Duncan and Methos and Aidan are going to stay together.

It's as annoying to me as you, though, because I had plans to bring Krycek in, and start setting some of the immortals against the invasion, and there were about to be ::counts:: five students at once, of varying ages, genders, and backgrounds, which would be a great POV on immortality. Hmm. I keep saying Stained Glass is almost done. Maybe. If only because I want to drop that new student on Connor.

(::grinning:: And Damien and Rich get along just fine, as do Rich and Farrell; it's Ish and Rich that bodes well for explosions.)


imortalscot November 1 2005, 21:17:10 UTC
Well I could see Duncan,Methos and Aidan still being together. Mostly because of the Brothers and Sisters ganging up on them and keeping them together. Since for most it has been a long time since they have seen all three happy like they are with each other.

Maybe a trilogy of stories dealing with the 3some and their respective licking of wounds after the Line War. Have 2/3ds of each story have that persons perspective and the last third how it affects the other two. Then maybe have a fourth story that ties up whatever unresolved issues the 3 have, with help from Brothers and Sisters.

But then thats just my thoughts. :)


themouseketeer November 1 2005, 21:52:04 UTC
I can see the three of them going off in their own directions to lick their wounds, and then being forcibly brought back together again by the Brothers and Sisters once they have healed because they are so darn GOOD for each other! LOL. That ties in *both* versions, but it happens to be how *I* see it, honest!

And Rhi? Whenever, and whatever gets written is fine, you know that Dearheart. Hugs. Just glad you're not sick anymore.


rokeon November 1 2005, 21:23:08 UTC
What did Fitz and Krycek get up to after Simple Things?


Fitz & Krycek gryphonrhi November 1 2005, 21:40:08 UTC
::giggling:: Oh, those two! Well, first they went drinking. Then, once Fitz figured out Krycek was averse to getting *stinking* drunk in public asked if he minded the stinking drunk or the in public, and they went off to a nice B&B that Fitz knew about on Holy Ground so Alex could get a. drunk, b. pampered, and c. relaxed. The two were last seen going walkabout in Australia, trying very hard not to meet anyone they knew and not to miss any bars or pretty ladies.


Re: Fitz & Krycek rokeon November 1 2005, 21:47:06 UTC
*warm fuzzies*


Re: Fitz & Krycek gryphonrhi November 1 2005, 21:55:58 UTC
::grinning:: Yes, exactly!


lomedet November 1 2005, 22:46:18 UTC
Okay, the part of the Aidan-verse I'm *really* curious about is Connor, Alex, and Xan dealing with Connor's injuries & new powers, and the dynamic between the three of them as they fit themselves into Alex & Xan's life in California. ::bats eyelashes::

(and if I remeber correctly, there was some noise made last spring about Alex, Xan, Marcus, and goats? ::bats eyelashes some more and adds a little shimmy::)

also? I'd kind of like to hear the specifics of some of Buffy and Mulder's conversations from 'Respite'.


gryphonrhi November 1 2005, 23:47:20 UTC
::wry:: Oh, that. ::wincing:: Connor spent a few weeks with his 'hand' stuffed in his pocket, doing paperwork one-handed, until Alex swatted him and made him come help with security designs. When his hand started to grow back properly, they stuffed a glove and claimed he'd broken hell out of it and Connor spent a while working with Alex's security group or Xan's house restoration, depending on who was doing what and how much exercise he wanted. Helen, their office manager, formed a long-distance conspiracy with Rachel to fuss over him properly, much to Connor's dismay and Xan's amusement ( ... )


lomedet November 2 2005, 00:15:53 UTC
wheeeee!!! Thank you for the Connor/Alex/Xan update - I love the sheer madness of the three of them together.

If you think you might actually write the goats story someday, then I don't want the summary. If it's been permanently shelved, then I do. (no pressure, just trying to get the lay of the land.)

and, ::laughs along with you:: I adore the Buffy/Mulder crack, because I can totally see it happening just that way.

thanks for indulging my inner fangirl!


gryphonrhi November 2 2005, 00:43:43 UTC
What's your email again?


(The comment has been removed)

gryphonrhi November 2 2005, 00:49:39 UTC
::snickers:: Well, for one thing, the old bastard jumped out of a cake. Pandemonium ensued, Amanda and Cory seduced Tahir in tandem (Marc took over safeguard of Tahir's wallet 'til he came back), much dancing occurred, and drinking... and Kastagir dragged Farrell off to his room/Connor's spare bedroom because clearly they needed to have some long talks. Thank gods. Farrell needed to talk to *someone* about Owain, and no one's managed to put him and Matthew McCormick in one place, which is a pity, because they're going to have the kind of conversations that lead to people going, 'We told you you'd like him!' when they aren't looking suspicious and asking, 'How long have you two known each other?'


themouseketeer November 2 2005, 09:24:41 UTC
Oh please, write this? Christmas party stories are just so marvellous!


gryphonrhi November 2 2005, 20:34:15 UTC
::laughing:: I need to, but honestly, I have a series of snapshots in my head on it, of things that happen and people who're there, and no plot whatsoever.


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