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Comments 17

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gryphonrhi June 15 2005, 13:11:14 UTC
::smiling:: Glad the stories are still helping. I mostly wrote this entry so I could look back at it when I need the reminder, but I definitely don't mind hearing that I got someone through an MA! Man. I finished my BA and had burnt out on formal education; I'm so impressed you're headed for a PhD.

(I'm considering volunteering at a library, yeah; thanks!)


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gryphonrhi June 15 2005, 13:16:23 UTC
{{hugs}} It was just one of those where I hadn't quite realized that well, I've *been* doing I need to do. ::shrugs:: I don't have a lot of the more usual goals of 'lots of money' or 'highly successful career'. It's taking me a while to figure out that other people's opinions of what I should do are their problem, not mine. I'm getting there. ::g:: And yeah, Dragon and I are something I do very right.

Thanks, chica.


Must be the season.... shrewreader June 14 2005, 21:25:33 UTC
My shrink, last week, was asking me where we were going with therapy -- I gave her my patent-pending forest fire analogy. Your overall goal is containment, and a good chunk of the time you spend going and ringing in bits of it and putting out hot spots.

But one of the hot spots lately is what I want to -DO.-

And lately, the question is answered with a shrug and 'fuck if I know.'

But I'll say this: I'd like to not have a job that gives me anxiety attacks, and a boss that's not nuts.

This shrew goes for dried fruit only from now on.

Data on how today's interviews went on my LJ.


Re: Must be the season.... gryphonrhi June 15 2005, 13:17:42 UTC
Huh. I'd have said the overall goal was redirection: getting the fire into the fireplace, thanks, and the furnace, and the rubbish can. You *definitely* deserve a better job than you had, and much luck with the interviews! {{hugs}} (Did you ever post that? I didn't see it...?)


Re: Must be the season.... shrewreader June 15 2005, 15:06:34 UTC
Flocked it. But yeah, it's there.


Re: Must be the season.... gryphonrhi June 15 2005, 16:36:38 UTC
::nodding:: I saw the post on the fire-fighting metaphor, but did you ever post about the interview?


ranalore June 14 2005, 22:38:37 UTC
I am such an idiot. I had no idea you were struggling so much healthwise, and here you've been encouraging me so hard about things while I've been clueless and whining. You are such an amazing friend to me, and I will continue to send good vibes your way that things continue to improve. Only now those vibes will be accompanied with more awareness. *G*

::hugs hard::


gryphonrhi June 15 2005, 13:22:16 UTC
It's okay, Rana, honest. I've just been running .5-3.5 degrees of fever for the last three months and they can't figure out why. So... off to specialists soon. ::shrug:: What can I say? I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired; I don't need to make y'all sick and tired of hearing me whine about being sick and tired. Most of the time, it's under control, but that's with me not working so I *get* an average of 8-9 hours of sleep, and at least two miles of walking a day, and proper food, and... ::shrug:: that's what it's taking for me *not* to flare up again. Thank Gods Dragon doesn't mind being the sole paycheck, and thank Gods this didn't hit until we'd gotten him through his associates' degree.

All of which is a long-winded way of saying, 'Kindly don't kick yourself; you had no reason to know.' You're a great friend, and it's so nice to *have* good friends who haven't even met me in person yet. And believe me -- in your shoes, I'd be stressing every bit as much as you are. {{{hugs}}} Good luck on *everything*.


jilltanith June 14 2005, 23:52:38 UTC
Well, I think I've told you this before, but it bears repeating; in the first part of 2000, when my mom was terminal, it was waiting for and reading your next installments of Sirocco that kept me going.


gryphonrhi June 15 2005, 13:24:00 UTC
::blinks:: I knew people had been reading my fic to get through things, but sweet Lady, that's... wow. I'm just glad you had some consolation during such a rough time. {{{hugs}}} Thank you for telling me.


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