Hey everyone i am just sitting at my friends colton's house being bored so all that i have done here is play video games, watch t.v, play with a football and baseball so any ways i am having fun here but he has a dog that i am scared of i don't know what kind it is well anyway\ see ya
Hey everyone i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bored right now i am typing for zack and he is yelling at some kid levi well bye BRANDON
Hey everyone what have you guys been up to. me not much just sitting around and making a web site. if you want to see it the web site is www.branny.piczo.com also you guys should add me on myspace please well got to go bye `brandon
Hey everyone, I'm sorry it has been a really long time sence i have updated this thing i have been forget to update it. P.S. Will you forgive me .. <--- sad face `brandon