My posts about the recent castings have drawn plenty of comments, which is great.
But they have also brought out the trolls... or, to give some of them the benefit of the doubt, some thoughtless and rude posters.
I don't mind readers posting their opinions, even critical opinions. But I do expect posters to show a certain amount of respect.
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Comments 11
- Jesus
Let's say Martin is into a Dany chapter. He gets a phone call from someone at HBO, needing his input as a consultant as to whether Ned would say a particular line of dialogue. Martin takes it under consideration and promises to get back later that day. Now who in their right mind actually thinks the Dany chapter will now take precedence in Martin's day?
Martin will deliberate about Ned and the tv series and drop the Dany chapter for another time.
This is just one possible example out of a host of others that will crop up over the course of filming the series.
It's depressing.
Roland of Gilead
- Krafus
[info]flowerydreams wrote:
Aug. 26th, 2009 03:42 pm (UTC)
I'm really delighted with all the positive reactions here ^^
Yeah, it's a freaking miracle how everything is lollipops and flowers when there's enforced homogeneity. This is why I get the jitters whenever I hear the phrase "a community of like-minded individuals".
- Porkins
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