The big one year extravaganza!

Aug 11, 2010 23:59

Eleanore and Sophia will be one year old Friday. I still cannot believe that I have twin girls. Having two babies at once is so rewarding and interesting, yet draining and challenging. My body chemistry has been a mess since I have given birth to the girls. My anxiety levels are through the roof, my thyroid isn't working properly, and my hormones ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

zeldakitty August 12 2010, 05:46:13 UTC
Oh happy birthday beautiful girls.

Sophia Rose's chin looks especially like Isabella's did at 3 years old. Very pronounced, very prominent.


rebbyribs August 12 2010, 16:01:18 UTC
Congratulations, and what big smiles! How is having two toddlers?


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