BurCon 2012 :: J2 Panel :: Jared (1/7)

Mar 07, 2012 12:06

Because I am overwhelmed with the number of photos of the J2 panel and need to feel like I've actually accomplished something, I'm going to post in sporadic batches so I feel like I've gotten something done.

Photos of Jared from J2 Panel on Sunday.  Part 1 of 7.

Note:  Photos can be used for fandom purposes.  Watermark is only to prevent commercial use.

Note 2: I will be providing zip files after I get through at least the J Panel photos.

Note 3:  April 20 - I finally got all the J2 Panel photos posted.   I also re-edited these photos as I was not happy with these versions.  All these photos are also included in the newly posted versions, so if you want to skip this post and go on to those better versions  go here.



spn my cons, spn, spn cons, spn burcon 2012, spn la con 2012

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