BurCon 2012 :: Photo deluge

Mar 07, 2012 11:35

OMG people I took WAY too many photos of the J2 Panel - 2,500.  Yes, that was just of that one panel.   Good grief.

Normally this would not be a problem - but too many of them are good photos that it's taking me a while to find the great ones.  And I can't post ALL of these.  Cripes.    I supposed this is a good problem to have, but man oh man is it ever freaking me out as it seems like I've been editing and rejecting photos forever and it looks like I haven't scratched the surface.  I am DETERMINED to get these posted today.

Sheesh.   And one of my new year's resolutions was to take less photos.  Fail.    I even thought of it while I was shooting.  But I did I listen to myself?  No.   I kept thinking, "What if I miss something?"


*back to editing.  sigh*


spn my cons, spn, spn cons, photography journal 2012, spn burcon 2012, spn la con 2012, photography journal

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