BurCon 2012 :: Intermission

Mar 06, 2012 21:13

I took way too many photos this past weekend.   It took me all day just to go through the j2 Breakfast photos.  And I have 10x as many J2 Panel photos.  :P

My eyes are shot.

Luckily I have one more day of vacation.  So I'm hoping to get through the J2 Panel photos by tomorrow.

I also have a lot of photos of all the other panels and Louden Swain and Karaoke.

It's going to take me a while.

I am so glad we ended up signing up for Vegas.  I do have mixed feelings about the potential size of it - but the list of guests looks awesome.

I got a call from Leticia today.  Turns out the seat that I signed up for in Vegas was already taken (Leticia forgot to mark it as taken). This is the second time this has happened to me.  At least this time I received a phone call about it.  The first time, we didn't even find out until months later when WE called Creation.

Good news is that while I am one row back from the seat I had signed up for.  I am on an aisle seat and it's a little closer in horizontally.   So I'm actually very happy about the change.   Fickleone has moved to sit besides me - at least for now.  She may be moving back to her original seat.

We made notes about the weekend as we were waiting for our flight.   So MUCH happened that it was really overwhelming.  Even more so than the other cons I've attended.   This con has beat out LA 2009 as my favorite con.


spn my cons, spn, spn cons, spn burcon 2012, spn vegas 2013, spn la con 2012

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