I'm bored, and tired. I got new glasses. and the new Mario game for Wii. So yeah. that's what's going on. school in the morning....well. tomorrow afternoon. still. bleh.
Halo 3 comes out like. tomorrow at midnight. And Kendall pre-ordered it. We will play wednesday. There will be no sleep, work, food. Well, maybe food. But no sleep. and no work. We'll beat it like. that day probably. And I don't even have to pay for it.
Hey all you ACMAnauts. Listen up. While you wake up at five thirty in the morning tomorrow. I go to school at two. When you're going home. But I go home only two hours later.
I return victorious. Got a new brace. A new game. That's all that's new. The rest of my life is boring. I start school tomorrow. Food Sciences is my first class. Kinda gay. But I like food. So eff your life. That's about it. I go to school at 3 30. Cuz I'm a better person than you.
I've left ACMA behind. Sleep is more important. I'm going to Merlo now. Start the tenth. Go to school at like three. I think that's pretty sweet
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