Kanaya Maryam Notes From Andrew Hussie

Feb 21, 2011 10:50

This will be for my own reference since Kanaya is a rather different character for me to play! These are basically copy-pasta Q&As I took from Andrew Hussie's Formspring to help me have a deeper understanding of Kanaya's character.

Is Kanaya a Lesbian?

Hussie: I think this was pretty obvious a long time ago.

But then, homosexuality in a society where bisexuality is the norm is kind of a different thing. Rather than being a swapped preference, it is a more exacting preference. Somewhat like a fetish for a particular gender. When Karkat was talking to John about it, he indicated trolls don't even have a word for the orientation. It's not something that appears to have any cultural significance to them. Which might seem odd, but then, they're aliens. Maybe a way to view it is how we view people with more exacting preferences, like certain fetishists. We don't actually have common words to describe most people like that, and their presence doesn't have nearly the same social ramifications which homosexuality does. Humans seem to make a very big deal out of homosexuality, while treating other forms of preference as barely worth noting. When Karkat was <3< hitting on John, the reasonable human response was to say "I am not a homosexual." But the troll response would be more like "Sorry, not interested," without invoking orientation. Very much like a guy with a fat fetish isn't too likely to reject a thin girl by saying "Sorry, I am just this HUGE chubby chaser, so I must decline." (CUE FAT VRISKA JOKES AGAIN)

Not that any of this changes how we view Kanaya. From a human perspective, she's an unmistakably gay character.

Mai's Notes
Hurray for intricate alien preferences! So yeah, when I play out Kanaya she'll definitely show her preference for girls more than guys since it's her 'exacting preference.' Regarding the events in Homestuck though, it's not like Kanaya is actively seeking out a relationship with anyone especially after she was hurt by Vriska (this is subject to change after Kanpire showed how badass she was and winning Vriska's <33333333). Of course she's concerned for Rose, but it's safe to say that those feelings are something along the lines of moiraillegiance rather than matespritship especially when she sees how Rose is putting herself in danger; she wants to look out for Rose and make sure she doesn't do anything stupid.

Kanaya is a character who I sort of identify with even though I myself consider myself straight; I think it's because we like having friends and we're lucky to have great buddies (e.g. Karkat and Kanaya who are on good terms without being in any quadrant), but we find it difficult to get into deeper relationship involving love either because we're not sure how to go about it or we simply aren't lucky.

Man this is too fun to analyze.

Kanaya kicking ass and taking names is basically the best birthday present. You won my birthday. As such I give it over to you. Happy birthday!

Hussie: Kanaya was obviously always going to be the most asskickingest asskicker who ever kicked an enormous butt right in its big fat ass, because I am a virgo and I obviously can't be affiliated with a lame useless troll.

Also, it's especially fitting, because in reality I am like this huge lesbian.

Mai's Notes

I just put this here because I thought it was funny. That and I'm tempted to believe the last part.


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