Application for gargleblasted

Feb 14, 2011 13:43


Name: Mai
Are you over 16?: Yup.
Personal LJ: umi_sama
Timezone: GMT-8
Other contact: AIM-rainsweets
Characters already in the game: lotusrebel [Original Character]
How did you find us?: I've been here for a while. Watching you •3•


Character name: Kanaya Maryam
Fandom: MS Paint Adventures- Homestuck
Timeline: Right after HOPESPLODE-- Er, when Eridan goes crazy and decides to ruin the chances of rebuilding troll-kind and destroys the Matriorb that Kanaya was looking after.
Age: 6 solar sweeps (13 years in human terms)
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: Kanaya is a very aesthetic troll in terms of fashion and landscaping as shown by her hive. She can basically make clothes, do home decorating, gardening rather well! She seems to be physically sturdy since she is one of the few of her kind who can withstand the blistering sunlight of Alternia.

Her weapon of choice is a chainsaw! Which also doubles as a tube of pretty jade-green lipstick. Yeah. Chainsaw. I don't think you would want to argue or pick a fight with a troll girl wielding that unless you're Eridan. Very briefly, it's been shown that Kanaya is capable of taking down HUGE monsters with her chainsaw, but that was just during the session of Sgrub. But she's very quick with it too, so be careful. The chainsaw is stored in her Strife Deck (aka weapon inventory) called Makeupkind. Yeah. We'll leave it at that.

Like most of the Homestuck characters, Kanaya has her own special Sylladex aka inventory in simpler terms. It can also be called a Fetch Modus WHY DOES MY CANON HAVE TOO MANY TERMS. In any case, Kanaya's is called Chastity (HAHA GET IT VIRGO, VIRGIN, CHASTITY HAHA). She stores items there if only to lock it up until she finds the appropriate key to use said item. It's kinda weird.

She is also not afraid to go for the nads. Watch out dudes.

How would they use their abilities?: If she has to defend herself in combat, that chainsaw is coming out to wreck bitches. Other then that, she'd actually be very productive considering how many skills she has on hand! Kanaya probably won't mind helping other people and her talents in fashion, decorating, etc. will probably make her well-suited to certain missions. Hey, maybe while she's on the Thor, she can set up something now that she doesn't have to worry about getting destroyed hmm :||a


Well, when you originate from an incestuous slurry, you're bound to share one or two traits that are expected of your species. For Kanaya, she has the usual yellow eyes, gray skin, candy corn colored horns (her left horn is slightly bent), and black hair trolls are known for. Her hair though, is cut rather short and styled in a unique and ~*fashionable*~ manner. Her lips are black and she has two visible rainbow drinker vampire like fangs. Kanaya's default outfit is a long sleeved black top (with a jade-green symbol for Virgo ♍), black flats, and a red skirt. Unlike other trolls, she likes changing up her outfits to wear fancy and colorful dresses. Body-type wise, she's slender in the average feminine way.

Kanaya is a middle-caste troll with green blood-- But's special because it's JADE green blood which is very rare in itself on Alternia. Anyways, that's the color of her blood and therefore it effects the pigment on her skin and tears which will also be jade-green.


So once upon on the thirteenth of April, some nerdy bucktoothed kid named John Egbert played a game called Sburb which brought about the end of the world. Now he and his four friends, Rose Lalonde, Dave Strider, and Jade Harley struggle against weird plots, weird time lines, and even weirder alternate universes consisting of alien kids who are in the same if not worse situation as the humans.

Yes, that's just the simple way to describe Homestuck, shut up I'll elaborate, but let's start with the alternate universe that has the alternate planet, Alternia. Can't get anymore AU than that I bet. ANYWAY.

Alternia is a planet inhabited by an alien race known as trolls. Although it shares some similarities to Earth such as having television and movies and [advanced] computer technology, culturally, trolls are vastly different. For one thing, the trolls that ARE on the planet are merely children. They are the ones maintaining the livelihood and culture of Alternia while the adult trolls are off to conquer other star systems in the name of Alternian glory and whatnot. The troll children do have guardians, monstrous beings called Lusus Naturae; each troll is paired up with a unique lusus so both can look after each other. The color of a trolls' blood determines their class- red to yellow being in the low range, green in the middle, blue being high class, and violet being the top class. Survival of the fittest and contributing to troll society is key and it doesn't make life any easier when troll relationships are stupidly complicated. Let's have a handy dandy list of the abridged version of said troll relationships/romances to set up for later (trust me, we actually have Kanaya to thank for this).

♥ Matespritship-- Closest thing to human romance.
♦ Moirallegiance- Platonic soul mate, someone to keep you accountable
♠ Kismesis-- Hate/love
♣ Auspistice-- Three way relationship in which there is a mediator aka the auspistice.

Said relationships stem from feelings of pity and hate. So yeah. Lovely place, this Alternia. I could link you to the explanations and cause a brain aneurysm, but I won't. This really is the easy version.

ANYWAY. Yeah, having troll kids having to deal with ingrained violence and complicated social/emotional situations isn't very fun for them. People get hurt and die. A lot. Man, at least they have games to keep them from going COMPLETELY insane!! Except when said games can cause accidents and even more death. Uh oh, here comes plot, but let's introduce it from Kanaya's standpoint to keep ourselves sane and linear and remember who this application is about.

Homestuck introduces us to twelve main trolls; Kanaya Maryam is one of those troll kids. She was introduced in earlier acts as one of the mysterious 'internet trolls' that bother the humans under her tag grimAuxiliatrix , but isn't properly looked over until THOUSANDS of pages later. We see her in her hive and given information about her various interests and hobbies. What we see is that Kanaya is not terribly violent! She is special in her own way because of her creative nature and preference for being aesthetic unlike other trolls. She is also special due to her rare jade green blood which gives her the honor of being protected and looked after a Virgin Mother Grub as her lusus (a Mother Grub is usually responsible for giving birth to troll wrigglers). Kanaya seems to live out her days in relative happiness and contentment with her lusus and fellow trolls.

Then came the fateful day when the twelve trolls including Kanaya started playing Sgrub.

What is Sgrub? It's a game that affects reality and the way it's played is almost like The Sims and Spore. Except you fight monsters for their 'grist' (kinda like currency) to build and level up; this is done in collaboration of the server and client player, where the server helps the client by controlling some of the environment. Seems easy right? Haha no. To start off, one of Kanaya's troll buddies, Aradia Megido found the technology to create Sgrub from some old ruins and had another troll, Sollux Captor, create the game. So what's wrong with having a little friendly session with this game among friends? Sollux quickly figures out that by initiating SGRUB, Alternia was basically going to be destroyed, save for the ones who were playing the game. Unfortunately, it's too late to stop now that the game was initiated. One by one, all of the troll kid's lusus guardians begin to die off, either because of an accident, or in Kanaya's case, of natural causes. Mostly accidents though.

Okay now to explain Sgrub more. Short and sweet version: basically, once you start playing the game, the players MUST enter the game or face imminent death that comes with the destruction of their world. Once inside, the goal of the game is to level up and then help save the world of Skaia where the two kingdoms of light and darkness (Prospit and Derse respectively) are warring over. It's a war where darkness will win, but the players can help take down the Black King to prevent Skaia's destruction. So we have our twelve troll buddies (Karkat, Terezi, Vriska, Nepeta, Equius, Feferi, Eridan, Gamzee, Tavros, Sollux, Aradia, and of course, Kanaya) playing this epic game. They split into two teams for the time being, Red and Blue. Kanaya joins the Red Team as the final member to keep an eye on Vriska (her moirail and matespritship interest). Each troll is assigned a mythological role-- Kanaya is dubbed the Sylph of Space. Now that we have that out of the way, let's get back to Kanaya.

By the time the troll's session of Sgrub starts, Kanaya already has made the assumption that the fact that their guardians are dying is a consequence of playing the game. Still, she knew her own lusus was going to die soon and this is *~very important~*. Why? Well, Kanaya's lusus, as mentioned above is a Virgin Mother Grub. A Virgin Mother Grub has a rather short lifespan if it gives up breeding. And thus, Kanaya's custodian dies a peaceful death. Kanaya, while probably saddened by this event, knew that it was coming. Now that her guardian is dead, how does Kanaya honor her after all those sweeps of protection and loving care?

Break out the chainsaw.

Okay, okay, but for serious, Kanaya operates on her lusus to retrieve the Matriorb, which is basically an egg-like object for hatching a new Mother Grub. Seeing as how Alternia was going to be destroyed and all, Kanaya's not going into Sgrub unprepared for reviving the troll race after they win the game. NOW IT'S GAME TIME. Kanaya acts as Vriska's server player to meddle help her out. Thankfully, our good troll gal isn't completely clueless about how to play Sgrub! She's got a special source to refer to which she found out about thanks to some mysterious premonition that led her to a certain web address. In it, is a record of someone else's experience in playing the game. Kanaya sincerely believes that whoever wrote this guide was the leader of this past session and was successful in winning the game thanks to the leadership of the author, tentacleTherapist. She more or less HIGHLY admires her for the endeavors she her friends went through playing Sgrub. As Vriska's server player, Kanaya meddles makes sure that Vriska, who is acting as Tavros server player... Actually does her job and be helpful to the crippled troll instead of NOT being helpful and mocking him. Kanaya AFKs a bit to deal with her own game related tasks and then goes back to her computer to check up on Vriska.

What she didn't expect to see was Vriska kissing Tavros. Kanaya is understandably heartbroken and angry; her deeper feelings for Vriska had been thrown to the ground and squashed and she cries while her lusus turned kernelsprite comforts her. Being a kid and growing up is hard and nobody understands. :( You see, these three have a... Complicated relationship. Oh, hell it's teenage drama, troll style, IT'S REALLY WEIRD. Kanaya's relationship with Vriska was more or less a moirallegiance, but Kanaya was leaning more towards matespritship (and before you ask, trolls don't differentiate by sex/gender). Unfortunately for her, Vriska is more interested in Tavros and Kanaya ends up in a position where she can mediate as an auspistice (it doesn't really work out in the end). From that point on, Kanaya refuses to talk to Vriska and is terse towards her.

Teenage troll drama aside, the Sgrub session goes swimmingly, with a few bumps here and there involving weird time shenanigans and more troll relationship drama as per usual. Time shenanigans are caused when the trolls use their chat client Trollian, which has the nifty feature of allowing users to post notes and memos for the players to see from the past or future. Kanaya only responds to one memo from Future Karkat; when she tries to look ahead of the time line, all she sees is a mass of black and white lines. Weird. Ultimately, the twelve trolls are successful in exiling the Black Queen, with the help of a Derse agent named Jack Noir, and defeating the Black King albeit with much difficulty. They end up with one sweet prize- their own universe to live in. But before the winners could claim their new universe, they are confronted by someone who wants to kill them all. They escape to a ring of meteors called the Void where all they can do is wait for their eventual demise. At least the place has computers for them to dick with!

Being the good and helpful friend Kanaya is, after someone makes a suggestion to replace Tavros's crippled legs with robotic ones, she promptly whips out her chainsaw and goes Operation on the poor guy. Hey, at least he got new working legs! Later, the trolls find out that in the new universe that was supposed to be theirs, there are four humans playing a game that is called Sburb, essentially the same thing as Sgrub. It doesn't take them long to find out where the monster that was trying to massacre them came from. It was the human's version of Jack Noir who got severely overpowered. Karkat then orders all the trolls to harass the humans because they are such BASTARDS for ruining their chances of living in their new universe. Kanaya complies, and begins trolling them, particularly one of the girls, Rose Lalonde.

Rose actually turns out to be tentacleTherapist, the one who recorded her experiences with Sburb. Kanaya, using Trollian's time line feature was able to view most of Rose's lifetime up until the current events. The troll was sort of disappointed in what she saw with the humans. Instead of a fearful and powerful leader that she imagined Rose to be, she just looked boring, hornless, and a buffoon. But instead of turning her attention away, she keeps observing Rose, her curiosity ever growing. She ends up being friends with Rose instead due to some confusion during her first attempt at trolling. Well, it was never said Kanaya was particularly trollish even if she could be snarky during her encounters with Rose. She also contacts John and Dave only to get even more confused along with the reader. Her various chats with Rose consist of her trying to strengthen their friendship or trying to one up her in snark-offs. Trolls sure are weird.

At some point, Kanaya wandered around in the Veil and found the Auxiliatrix Key, to unlock her Chastity Modus and retrieve her Matriorb; this was puzzling for a bit since Kanaya thought it would be impossible to restore the troll race seeing as they didn't even get into their new universe. She quickly realizes that she's supposed to hatch the Matriorb IN the asteroid instead. Kanaya begins to feel concerned for Rose who has been hatching a rather dangerous plan to beat/break Sburb and tries to talk her out of it. It doesn't work and she ends up losing track of Rose when she can't see her on the time line anymore. Oh, well. She then contacts Jade Harley who shares a similar role in her game session as Kanaya; Kanaya being the Sylph of Space and Jade is the Witch of Space. She guides Jade through breeding frogs and most importantly, creating the Genesis Frog aka a new universe. Yeah. Try wrapping your head around that. During that event, she bonds with Jade and we find out that Kanaya had been asleep most of her life and dreaming and awake on Prospit, acquiring visions from the future when looking at the clouds of Skaia. We also find out that that Kanaya used to be visited by Doc Scratch, a mysterious figure who has been manipulating events of Homestuck, behind the scenes.

After helping out Jade, Kanaya is about to set off and plant the Matriorb in the asteroid, buuuutttttttt this is when things start to take a turn for the worse. One of the trolls, Eridan pulls a fast one and declares that he is going to side with Jack Noir, their enemy. Of course this is met with more than just mere disagreement. The end result consists of Eridan knocking out Sollux, killing Feferi, and then a showdown between him and Kanaya. Kanaya is about to attack him with her chainsaw, but Eridan uses his science wand to destroy the Matriorb that she accidentally dropped, destroying all hope for restoring their race. Needless to say, Kanaya is not happy and races towards Eridan, only to get killed herself.

She then turns into a glowing rainbow drinker, sucks some colored blood, kicks Gamzee in the nads, punches Vriska in the face, and slices Eridan in half. Shut up, it makes sense and it's what literally happened as of yesterday.

Let's just say she is now on the Thor, right after Eridan destroyed the Matriorb.


Kanaya is one of the more even-tempered and calm trolls in terms of personality and behavior. She does not have the usual troll instinct of utilitarianism or the urge to dominate and overpower. Instead, she focuses on more creative pastimes such as landscaping, fashion design (whereas most trolls think fashion is stupid), and hell, even being a lumberjack. That isn't to say she isn't violent-- she simply doesn't relish in such a trait as much, but she'll get down and dirty if she has to with her lipstick-chainsaw weapon when in danger or if there is a friend in need. ESPECIALLY if a friend is in need. Thus, it makes sense why her troll tag is grimAuxiliatrix-- it literally means 'grim helpful woman.' Her other interests include relishing in horror and romance literature, especially ones consisting of the troll equivalent of vampires, rainbow drinkers, which indicates she's somewhat of a romantic.

She is a helpful individual who is always looking out for her friends well-being, sometimes whether they want it or not. Kanaya has been described as 'meddlesome' which is trait that complicates things for herself. Regardless, it's fair to assume she was on good terms with all the trolls sans Vriska for obvious reasons. Kanaya is not particularly mean-spirited and ornery like Karkat nor is she diabolical and manipulative like Vriska and Terezi. Even when she attempted to troll the humans as ordered by Karkat, she ended up being diseased with human friendship. She has shown that she can be sarcastic and produce her own snark, albeit with mixed results (she's learning from Rose though for multi-cultural purposes so she'll improve). Towards the humans, Kanaya is at first doubtful of their intelligence or worth, but she has proven to be understanding and even willing to cooperate with them and help the kids win Sburb. Kanaya has shown that she's also a good listener, but not unwilling to scold as indicated by her last conversation with Karkat before her death. So basically, she isn't unreceptive to new things and ideas!

For someone who comes from a violent race, she sure does seem pretty chill and have it all together huh? WRONG. Kanaya has shown that she is sensitive and can get very emotional when her feelings get hurt. One has to remember that Kanaya and friends are the equivalents of a thirteen year old, so feelings can run wild and she's no different. Although she can initially fly off the handle, it won't be towards the person in question; she does her best to deal with her emotions in a mature way. Still, it's not advisable to get on her bad side especially if it involves hurting her friends.

Kanaya can ramble and get too wordy at times, but she'll hold herself back if it's mentioned. Her normal speech and chat font gives the impression that she Enunciates Each Word Very Clearly And Carefully.

Why should that character be in this game:

Why do you want to continue their history here:

For applicants considering an alternate version of a character already in game, please use this as your chance to explain the key differences between your character and the one already in play:

Have you read up on how the game works?: Communication is through Flaming Ferrit and you get money by doing missions and/or leeching off yeaaaaah man I love copy pasting.

1st person sample:

First Of All Allow Me To Make One Thing Clear
I Am Not Shocked In Anyway Upon Receiving News About My Worlds Destruction
So The Fact That You Are Informing Me Of This Now Indicates That Your Form Of Bureaucracy Is Not All That Effective And That You Vogons Are Not As Organized As You Would Believe To Be
You Are Also Not Very Considerate Since You Are Making Me Fill Out All These Forms
I Hope You Understand That I Have Just Been Taken From A Taxing Situation And I Am Currently Trying To Organize My Thoughts Seeing As How All Hope Is Lost For My Friends Because Of A Certain Someone
I Hope He Is Not Around Because If I Find Him The Results Will Not Be Cheery For Him
Or Would That Be Hoping For Too Much
I Will Do My Best To Comply And Complete All The Paperwork With A Smile Gracing My Squawk Gaper Because I Feel So Empowered By My Good Attitude
If You Need Me To Clarify That Was All A Joke
My Attempts At Being Satirical And Multicultural Is Actually Making Me Feel A Bit Less Burdened Despite Certain Events
Really It Could Be Worse And I Am Sincerely Glad About Not Having To Feel Enormous Tension And Pressure
There Seems To Be Some Things To Look Forward To On This Space Ship At Least
I See Some Familiar Names On This Guide
Things Are Looking Up Already

3rd person sample:

Admittedly, Kanaya Maryam was not at all impressed with the S.S. Thor at first.

Whether it was because she was too busy trying to make sense of the temporal disruption that brought her here, or brooding on the fact that all hope of restoring her race was wiped clean, or having to finish copious amounts of the paper work, she simply just did not feel the need to gape needlessly at her new surroundings. Once she was finished, however, she decided it wouldn't hurt to take a look around. The Thor was certainly no Alternia where the population was just young trolls and the environment was not extremely harsh during the day or night. How long had it been since Kanaya felt the familiar warmth of the Alternian sun? It felt like sweeps and sweeps ago. And it wasn't lifeless like the Veil where she and her friends went into hiding.

This was a place that was bustling and full of life. It was beginning to dawn upon Kanaya how this ship in itself was like a different universe, if a universe was beneficial and conveniently scooped her out of a time of crisis. Unlike home, children were taken care of by an adult figure with no lusus in sight, much like the humans. It was another sting to the heart when it occurred to Kanaya that she had failed her lusus in securing her progeny and fulfilling her role in repopulating her race. But what could she do now?

The young troll took her time exploring the expanse of each floor. She saw some humans and wondered if they were also refugees, perhaps because of a failed session of Sburb? How disheartening to think about. But the overwhelming majority of the Thor population were different alien species of all shapes and sizes, none that Kanaya had ever heard about at least.

What gave her a real lift of the spirit was her discovery of the shopping district. There were more clothing boutiques and stores than Kanaya could count. Her aesthetic side was practically screaming at her to take a look at the various clothes and relish in the fact that at least the Thor had people who took an interest in fashion and made a successful business out of it. Kanaya was used to being one of the very few of her kind to even care seeing as how most trolls thought fashion was stupid. But now there were others who could share her interests. She even gave some kind fashion advice to a grateful female alien looking for an outfit that would match the color of her eight tentacles. The alien in turn complimented Kanaya's outfit despite its simplicity; she especially liked Kanaya's bright red skirt and it pleased the female troll. She idly thought about her human friend Rose and how she might react to this wonderful display.

Kanaya thought it would take a long while before she could recover from her precarious circumstances, but really, this was a nice change of pace. And there wasn't an ounce of sarcasm in that thought of hers whatsoever.


Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: Yes

gargleblasted!, app!

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