Tomy recently put out a series of toys called Nihohon (Sunny People) that are basically solar-powered bobble-heads. They're smiling little happy blobs of plastic that sway their heads to and fro in a very soothing fashion. The point of the desk toy is to be a relaxing distraction, supposedly.
Upon seeing these overpriced little devilspawn I couldn't help but imagine a version styled like Spooky. If you've kept up with this silly journal you should know who Spooky is by this point... if not, dig into the archives, you'll find all about him. My opportunity arose last weekend when I found a Nihohon on clearance for a couple bucks. We took the chipper little bastid home, scrapped him, and rebuilt a masterpiece. Check the pictures below!!!
The Original
I couldn't find an image of the original paint style on it, but this is how the body looked... it was originally red and yellow with an obnoxious baby-face
The SPOOKY Version