"Sie Trains...Die?" chapter 2/2

Mar 30, 2012 22:46

Title: "Sie Trains...Die?" (chapter _two)
(Chapter One)
Author: Rodlox.
Summary: Monroe explains that Nick's a good Grimm, Holly asks about hunting Grimms, and Mrs. Clark is slightly less wary.
(coda to Let your hair down)
Disclaimer: I own none of them.
apology: for the use of bad German (pronouns) in the title.
Rating: PG-13.

Monroe was reasonably proud of how he handled the next few minutes, given how he had to keep both Holly and her adopted mom from panicking, calling the cops on Nick, or running for the hills. "A bit more explanation would be good," he said, once the three of them were sitting around the kitchen table.

"It would be very good," Mrs. Clark said.

"Nick, he's...He's a good Grimm," Monroe said, knowing that, to someone raised in the traditions like he had been, that was like saying A polite serial killer. "Ideally, Grimms only go after Wesen who start killing people. Nick's true to the noblest ideal of the Grimms." The other noble ideal of the Grimms is - at least supposedly - keeping a trophy room of all your kills. Note to self, politely refuse to see Nick's basement, no matter what disaster's going on. Then again, if there's a disaster...

"But he still kills Wesen like Holly," Mrs. Clark said.

"No!" Monroe insisted. "If Nick was that sort of Grimm, he wouldn't have brought Holly back here. He saved her life - getting her medical attention, stopping some gun-toting guys from shooting her."

Mrs. Clark held up a hand. "Fine. And I'm grateful to both of you - and Detective Griffin - for keeping my Holly safe and bringing her back home. But I don't have to let him anywhere near her anymore - do I?"

"Not if you don't want to. Wesen obey the law, and so do Grimms."

"What hunts Grimms?" Holly asked.

Hooooo boy, no little questions with you, huh? O-kay, well, based on what I know, which I admit is founded on legend and tradition...and is peppered with hearsay and rumor... "Rogue Grimms get taken out by any and all other Grimms," Monroe said.

"No Wesen?" Holly asked, and Monroe could swear she sounded disappointed.

I'll admit, it would be a feather in anybody's hat, the moreso with she'd be going from isolate to Reaper in record time. "No," Monroe said. I could say 'good Wesen don't hunt Grimms' but that would open a whole 'nother barrel of Fuchbau I'd rather not deal with.

Mrs. Clark's face suggested she didn't entirely believe him, but she didn't say anything. More importantly, Holly bought his claim as being what he said things were.

"Does that help any?" Monroe asked.

"It...clarifies some, yes," Mrs. Clark said. "I think we need some time to think about what you've said."

Monroe nodded. "You've got my number now, so if you have any questions..." and headed for the door.

the end

author: rodlox, char: monroe, rating: pg, fic: episode tag, char: other, genre: gen

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