George/Alex, peanut butter

Aug 07, 2006 11:24

Title: Someone Needs to Fix the Vending Machine
Author: sailorscully
Prompt: George/Alex, Peanut Butter
Rating: PG
Word Count: 350
Author’s note: Taking a break from porn FIGHTS me and won't write...correctly. Blah.
Summary: George is nice. Alex is grouchy. There are snack foods. It is GLORIOUS. (well...)

Alex hated peanut butter crackers.

He hated the sticky texture, the smell, the taste - everything about them.

Alex hadn't been having a good day, that day. He'd been on call for 24 hours (6 of which was spent suturing in the pit), he'd scrubbed in with Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd, and then she'd given him hell just because her procedure hadn't gone as well as she'd liked. Well, maybe it was because he'd aimed a few too many ill-timed jibes in her direction. Whatever. But when he scrubbed out, and went to get a snack (and maybe a nap, too), and the vending machine near their spot deigned to give him peanut butter crackers instead of nacho cheese doritoes, Alex all but cried. Except that...well, Alex didn't cry. Alex hadn't cried since he'd been punched in the face at wrestling camp in eighth grade, and that had been because - well, his nose had broken. So crying was understandable, then. Not now.

So he flopped face-down on one of the gurneys, crackers of STUPID on the floor beside him, and convinced himself that the world was out to get him and that it'd all be solved if he just got a few hours of sleep, snack be damned.

But a few minutes later, right as he was about to drift off, the whirrr-click-BUMP of that freaking vending machine went again, and of course he looked up to glare and snark at whoever it was that was disturbing his few moments of precious sleep time. Except.

George stood, stopped dead in his tracks like a little bunny two seconds from being run over by a Mack truck, with a bag of Doritos in hand, and Alex - though he was pissed about the Dorito factor - Alex didn't have the heart or the energy to crush O'Malley's happy. Because O'Malley was that. Happy, and sometimes Alex envied him for that, and for getting to live with two hot chicks, and for having the guts to perform that heart surgery that one time and - somehow, somewhere along the line, George started being able to do all the things that Alex wanted to do but couldn't. Not wanting to think this through any more, Alex frowned, nodded at George, and turned back over to go to sleep.

When he woke up later to find a bag of Doritos next to his gurney, Alex frowned. But he thanked George later, when he knew no one was watching, and George's subsequent nod and smile made Alex's day just a tiny bit brighter.

alex, answered, george

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