Comments, kittens?
Only about five hours sleep last night. It's not the way I meant to begin the new year.
So, finally, a list of my favorite films of 2012. All but Cloud Atlas appear on the list in a more or less random order. I have placed
Cloud Atlas at the top because, I believe, it genuinely is the best and most important film of 2012:
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Comments 15
I'm still hand-selling THE DROWNING GIRL to a slice of those who cross my bookstore threshold. My numbers may seem miniscule compared to the megastores and the online retailers, but they're part of the picture regardless.
I want financial success for you, and will keep doing my part in getting it for you.
You mentioned something a bit back about getting some drawings up and out there. I have a couple extra copies of the signed/limited of CONFESSIONS OF A FIVE-CHAMBERED HEART that need a little plussing; any interest in a small joint eBay project?
the temptations and the distractions that veer us off course are many, we need to cover our ears and trust our lodestones and stars.
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