1. Now that the word is public, congratulations to Neil and Amanda (yes, they're tying the knot)!
2. My great thanks to Ellen (
ellen_datlow) and everyone at the Montauk Club in Brooklyn for one of the most thoroughly pleasant readings I've ever been a part of, ever. We read in the old library (the building was erected in 1890), by candlelight. It was magical
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Comments 33
I've come very recently onto your work. I'd like to say it was lovely, but it just isn't. It's all squids and weird sex and sticky things. That said, I'm grateful you've elected to yank prose out of the abyss. It's beautiful work, and honest work, and I've enjoyed it more than I can say. Thanks very much.
Thank you.
Lovely is a dime a fucking dozen. I'll take honest any day.
Expenses: If only there were per diems for authors. (I'm thinking in terms of expenses now, being an office assistant and tracking people's receipts. I'm getting used to business expenses, but I'm lucky I'm finally working for a company that's not afraid to have them. My newspaper ten years ago: STINGY.)
I had a magical evening, and I deserve one of those a few times a year.
Is there a chance of a future magical evening being a wedding invite? Hmm? Signed, a wedding appreciator... I've been to several good ones...
Too bad you were too tired to waltz in Grand Central.
Indeed. By that point, I could hardly walk.
You and many, many people I know deserve, eventually, to be carried around on litters.
This trip, it almost become a necessity. That cane isn't just for looks, unfortunately.
Can't believe we missed eachother by a day!
it's that universal balance at work and the more magic there is to experience, the more you'll find yourself paying for it afterward.
Very well said.
Can't believe we missed each other by a day!
That does suck. You and Curse need to visit Providence someday.
... Damn, I'd forgotten how ridiculous MTA's fares are.
$56.00 from New Haven to Grand Central, for two, round trip?
Over the last decade, travel by train has become a peculiar luxury.
And then I thought about it, and I realized that I think I paid about the same ten years ago, when I was living in Danbury and going down to Manhattan once or twice a month, which was $12 one way if I'm remembering correctly.
I am glad that even with the costs once in a while you do get to read in places like this, and show us pictures and talk about it. Especially because I'm beginning to come to terms with the fact that I don't travel well at all, which means that I probably won't get to see you do it in real life.
When my health in the desert climate of LA is bad enough that I'm down to one thing a day most of the time, a trip to the East Coast would be stupid.
When my health in the desert climate of LA is bad enough that I'm down to one thing a day most of the time, a trip to the East Coast would be stupid.
I'll probably make it back to LA again, sooner or later.
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