what i did today: a list.

Apr 09, 2006 07:44

  1. i woke up at 9 am, to the sound of lumber and hammering and loud slamming noises. looking outside, i see that the apartment upstairs undergoes renovation, including a new balcony deck with more solid wooden planks. though i tried and tried, i couldn't return to sleep and eventually got up when my phone rang.

    i suppose a little construction is better than chancing an old, decrepit balcony falling onto ours .. especially in the case if i am seated on the lawn chair on our balcony!

  2. i played basketball, wore out my right knee, but managed to hit the game winning shot of our final game. afterwards i iced my knee and it was stiff and weak for the rest of the day.

    the thought recurred, from time to time: maybe i should invest in a good cane. at the very least, it would only exacerbate that "old man" feeling i've had of late.

  3. using intuitive techniques [1], i proved a little lemma. basic little notion that it is, it nevertheless clinches the proof of a theorem which my advisor and i have been seeking.

    if today's work holds water, then this side project will round out in about a month's time. then i can finally return to the actual wording of the thesis problem.

  4. i went to leopold bro's brewery, or as i'm more apt to think of it, valhalla; i imagine that a mead hall would not appear dissimilar.

    i had to convince a friend that valhalla is different from doomed heorot of beowulf fame.

[1] the intuition being that: convolving a function with an appropriate bump function is essentially a smooth, weighted version of taking the characteristic function of a neighborhood of a point.

it would make more sense if i drew a picture, but probably not by much. \:
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