Mar 28, 2010 13:23
In cases of demonic possession how do you kill the demon? I don't mean just drive him out, or bind him in a lead box, I mean kill the sucker dead. Does anyone know? In most of the literature, serious or fantasy, seems like all you can do is kill the host and the demon migrates to a new host, right?
Speak to me, O LJ Oracle! Grace me with thy
demon possession,
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Comments 37
Tell Jesus to deal with it ...Seriously! *nods*
Actually, I can't remember all the details now... prolly was more of a banishing of the demon hosts plaguing the person. They said they prayed to Jesus to stop it, and it went away. Didn't really specify what was done to the demons though.
Could imagine it getting locked up in Hell, because that is actually worse than death. Being caged up, and never let loose to do what it wants to please its deepest desires. All while being tormented by extreme heat, and eaten by creepy crawly worms that never get full. They really hate that. *grins*
*goes away now*
Oh and I must hasten to add, this isn't for me! It's for a guy who believes he's damned anyway, cut off, so isn't counting on God's help.
Also, he's fictional.
Although.. yes, said person has to have a belief in the higher power for the banishing to hell to work. Google has many good things, and here is a page that describes what I am talking about:
Yeah, my demons and my vampires are separate entities. Demons are definitely foul and ill-intentioned.
My vampires aren't any more "evil" than lions are "evil" for preying on gazelles. Humans just happen to be the natural food source for them.
I can't remember ever hearing about a way to kill a demon -- all you can do is get it out of the physical realm and back into the demon realm. (Presumably demons can kill each other?) Even The Exorcist only really dealt with getting the demon out of that little girl, though it's interesting that they didn't seem too worried that it would simply find new lodgings.
Demons are supposed to be the opposite number to angels, and those can't be killed either. far as I can remember, all the vampire-killing remedies had their origins in attempts to pin down/destroy the demon that was thought to have taken over the dead flesh.
Oh, hey, speaking of that: the only thing I do remember that had to do with demon-killing was all out of Anne Rice's books! Probably no good to you at the time, but her characters believed that a demon that had taken possession of a human (by making it a vampire, natch) would be destroyed if all of its hosts -- all the vampires -- died ( ... )
AH!! Okay, this is the closest thing so far to something I can probably use!
Thank you!
I didn't read the last few of Rice's books. So that's where she went, eh? Vampire as demon? That kinda makes sense given her later conversion.
If you want the names and attributes of some of these demons, when you get to that point, let me know -- I'd live to get some use out of this book beyond scaring my guests!
Some Fae creature with a lovely sense of humor no doubt planted that on your house. Little trouble-makers. ;o)
Yes, thank you! I'm looking for a Trickster sort of demon, actually. (One who promises great things in exchange for a terrible price, and gets really ticked off when he's the one who is tricked.)
No, no. It won't be urgent for another few chapters. Then I'm gonna have to come up with *something*.
GLAD THAT WASN'T THE CASE. And I have nothing at all valuable to offer this conversation WHATSOEVER.
Maybe there can be someone who is powerful enough to overcome a demon or drive it out of someone all on his/her own? Dunno how that would work exactly. Could there be good demons who would be willing to drive bad demons away? Like battle them somehow with similar powers/strength?
Sorry I'm not much help.
So now I'm thinking along the the lines of bartering, deal -making and deception...
There actually is another immortal entity involved who already fought the demon and lost, hence the mess that everyone is having to deal with.
Bartering sounds like it could be interesting though. You would have to have something pretty exceptional to offer in exchange I would think. Also, it sounds like your demon means business.
The temptation to explain every juicy plot point to you now is almost overwhelming!
::sits on hands::
Yes, my demon really wants something. Yes, he's deadly serious. Yes, ::Mprhfgllph!!:::
Sorry, no helpful info to give myself in this area whatsoever.
I love where Supernatural has gone the last couple of seasons. I guess some people are upset that the writers are borrowing so heavily from the Bible because it feels like they're muddying gospel, and others are upset cuz they don't like the religious tone of it now, but I think it's very cool.
Oh, I think that last actual episode I saw was the one where their dad died. (He did die, didn't he?! or am I possibly mixing it up with another show?)
I think I really began to get into it about the time you lost interest. Now I'm totally hooked.
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