An essay about my feelings for Mark of Athena

Oct 03, 2012 22:01

Wow, there’s a lot to talk about with this book. I almost wish I could through chapter-by-chapter and highlight everything I want to talk about, but that would be a very long post indeed. And this is probably going to be long by my reaction posts standards because I don’t want to totally fangirl all over it like I normally do ( Read more... )

percy jackson is ruining my life, fandom: heroes of olympus, ship: percy/annabeth, books, shut up already gc

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Comments 32

oneoffour111 October 4 2012, 03:19:59 UTC
Percy stared at [Annabeth] in amazement. "How did you--? No. Never mind. I don't want to know. Just keep being awesome."



greenconverses October 4 2012, 03:28:02 UTC

I love them.


prplesockerstar October 4 2012, 04:30:52 UTC
This was possibly my favorite Percy line in the book. Because he doesn't even QUESTION it. He just rolls with it.


lovelysolitude October 4 2012, 03:20:56 UTC
lololololololol with RR trying to squash Nico feels, as well as anything shippy with him. Especially OT3. Not gonna work, RR. Give it up. In related new, I am currently forming a prayer circle for Nico POV jsyk.

Also also also re: the next book sounding booooring as hell should Hazel, Frank, and Jason have the POVs. Just. How true that is TERRIFIES me.

Everything IS Percy/Annabeth and it all hurts so muuu-uuu-uuuuch.


greenconverses October 4 2012, 03:27:04 UTC
I am convinced he saw the kinkmeme at some point in time and then backed away sloooowly.

I mean, MoA was essentially the "Greek" book so Doors of Death would probably be the Roman book but most of the Romans are just horribly boring. Hazel's my favorite out of the three because she's adorable, but still. They don't have Percy or Leo's sass to make up for it.


lovelysolitude October 4 2012, 23:04:31 UTC
How likely that is also terrifies me.

I feel like that's the point of the Romans, tho. I mean the last thing I want is a Roman-centric book (because I have trouble staying awake already) but every time RR compares the Greeks and the Romans and makes the point that the Romans have stricter values and shit, I'm like, just say it, RSquared. They're boring. You know it, we know it. Let's put it out there.

But then again everyone pales in comparison to our favorite Greeks SO.


stelmarias October 4 2012, 03:47:20 UTC
RR, the best thing about your writing is your character construction. I don't understand how you're falling flat with basically four out of your seven most important demigods? IJDGI. And your entire premise with the two camps! Your bloodthirsty legionaries are looking tough and organized but lifeless and sheepy. For someone who wants the unity of Greeks and Romans, you did spent the majority of the book completely dissing them. Oh, they stole and desecrated Athena. They killed Archimedes and destroyed Greece. Slaves. Sea man gets a bowl of rotten fruit. Not seeing a lot of reasons for peace here.

Anyway, fantastic review. Full of well-articulated feelings.


greenconverses October 4 2012, 03:58:52 UTC
Yes, I was just thinking I should've written more about the way he portrayed the two camps because - especially in the last half of the book - he really kind of trashed all over Rome. I know the seven were being hunted by Camp Jupiter, but at the same time, they're your allies! I get it, hard feelings over being conquered, but come on. Pls be remembering that Athena's children have apparently been the assholes causing a lot of revenge wars since then.

That's where I felt Jason failed the most in being the Roman ambassador. He probably should've contacted Reyna, Piper's feelings or not, and explained what was going on and that might've healed some things up. He just didn't do much in this book aside from fight with Percy and make Piper feel insecure about their relationship for new legitimate reason. I need Jason to stop being so useless. Bring Thalia back if it's gonna be this way, RR.


stelmarias October 4 2012, 04:10:58 UTC
Jason, bro, bridge, holy bridge of the seven, be less like a styrofoam cup and more like Golden Gate, golden boy.


stelmarias October 4 2012, 03:48:58 UTC
Wait, GC, are you a Jackson stan. Is he your villainous woobie? Gasp.


greenconverses October 4 2012, 03:52:05 UTC
Oh hell to the no on Jackson stanning. I feel sorry for him but then he's an asshole 99.9 percent of the time so, I was just looking through my gif folder and saw it and was like, "YES A CRYING GIF PERFECT." Scott is preeeetty much the only one I stan for since fandom is ruining my love for Stiles slowly but surely.


prplesockerstar October 4 2012, 04:33:42 UTC
Beautifully done review. You basically caught all the most important parts and I was really happy you addressed the "...but why are the Romans so underwritten?" bit that I've been thinking about.
And really, RSquared, why do you hate Nico in relationships so much? Because I've written way too much Nico/Rachel fic to feel bad about it because their dynamic is so fun...


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