remembering when you were mine in a still suburban town

Jul 17, 2005 21:32

So, HBP. yeah.

I finished the book last night & went straight to bed 'cause I could no longer think, had weird dreams I can't really remember & made notes immediately upon waking up this morning because I knew there would be no way I could possibly think about anything else until I had. They are mostly incoherent squeeing though.

flailing & rambling on HBP. spoilers! )

half blood prince, harry potter, zombies

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Comments 18

slumber July 18 2005, 03:08:17 UTC
his mother is a fucking black widow!

I love how that's so true on so many levels.


shatterglass July 18 2005, 04:02:51 UTC
Hahahaha. -very amused-


greenapricot July 19 2005, 02:01:25 UTC
Ha! I didn't even think of that. But yeah. Also now we know where Blasie learned how to exert his power over Draco.


shatterglass July 18 2005, 04:03:33 UTC
Yes yes yes. Especially on the ending--I want the next book SO BADLY right now and usually it isn't like that.


greenapricot July 19 2005, 02:03:44 UTC
I totally want the next book but also I think I want to play with this canon a bit. But also. gah. I want to know what happens. I'll have to concentrate on working with the 'play with this canon' bit of my brain I think. :) That & I'm a big fan of not every little thing beign resolved.


shatterglass July 19 2005, 03:30:36 UTC
Well yes. I'm scared of that. Maybe I'll just never read the very end of book 7? Haha, yeah right.


spinadrift July 18 2005, 17:44:12 UTC
I agree on every point except the Remus/Tonks. All the other ships made some sort of sense, but that just baffled me. Really though, I don't have much urge to ship either of them, so I'm not too bothered. >)

I read a really good theory about Snape, but I can't remember for the life of me where it is. But! It did explain how he can still be good even though he killed Dumbledore. I doubt Harry would understand any explanations, though. XD


greenapricot July 19 2005, 02:07:38 UTC
I think I must have read some fic somewhere with Remus/Tonks in it so that when it appeared out of nowhere ('cause I agree about that, it toatlly did) it was very easy for me to reconcile it. Also I think there's much in canon to support previous R/S & that makes me happy.

I totally think Snape can be good even though he killed Dumbledore, though not some people's definition of good, but I love LOVE when good an evil blur like that.


lunicanca July 18 2005, 17:53:43 UTC
Definitely thought of you when I read about Blaise. He's perfect in everything, with the exception of being black, but whatever. I can live with that huge shift in mental image, I think, because he's hard to please and pureblood and exotic and gorgeous (and he poses! XD) and has a rich and beautiful and conartist mum. So perfect. <333333<3


greenapricot July 19 2005, 02:11:29 UTC
! I know, the posing. Can't believe I forgot to mention that earlier but. gah. Here I was worried that Draco was going to die and instead I get Slytherin characterization ! & in exactly the way I would have wanted plus more ('cause I totally would not have thought to make his mum like that and she's so perfect).


lunicanca July 19 2005, 12:24:26 UTC
Indeed! :D It was a lovely shock.


Squee! femmenerd July 29 2005, 10:21:14 UTC
So I finished the book (finally, I'm such an obsessed-with-Spike loser) and felt the need to happily come and look at this and like posts as they are safe now.


It's like 3 in the morning and I'm cracked out so all I really have to say is...Squeee!

My fave Potter book so far, what with the darkness and the puberty having and the freaking cliffhangery-ness.

I don't mind H/G so much really. I rather like it for canon as the fact that she is Ron's little sister might be about as naughty as we're going to get in canon. But uh, I like Ginny better than Harry anyway (nobody throw shit at me, sometimes Harry has a stick up his ass, and the temper!).

I'l tell you what I do like, in theory: Hermione/Ginny. But I'm a femme dyke trapped in a monogamous heterosexual relationship, lol.


XD! greenapricot July 29 2005, 23:38:49 UTC
It's definitely the best book.

But uh, I like Ginny better than Harry
ha! Well I like Blaise and Draco better than Harry (though that is fandom creeping in there to a point but there's no way I could really separate it at this point anyway). & though I do like him (& part of that is the temper actually, at least recently) Harry is a bit dim at times.

There's a lot of Hermione/Ginny out there I'm just so slash centric I don't know what to point you toward that's good. heh. all those boys. I'm obviously straight. :)


Re: XD! femmenerd July 29 2005, 23:48:34 UTC
Yes, Harry's main power is not just love but also his ability to get incredibly PO-ed.

Hmmmmm. Last night after I wrote that post I went to sleep dreaming up Her/G ficlets in my head. I just found this last book SO conducive to that. Plus I like the brain and the athlete. I am becoming SUCH a fandom whore having posted fic in 3 different fandoms in as many weeks.

Hmmmmm, sexual orientation is so relative and often irrelevant in the world of fandom. Lovely, lovely.

Funny thing. For someone who has made her *mark* as a femslash writer (which is odd as those comprise only like a quarter to a third of my fic) it cracks me up that people are often surprise that I have actually fucked girls and don't just write about it.

P.S. Did I tell you that I won "Best Slash Fic" at Roswell fanatics for my lesbian aliens? And that mine was the first femslash story to win in that category?


greenapricot July 30 2005, 03:44:02 UTC
So true.

I think you should write it. If only because I can't find any Roswell to rent & so can't be sucked into your fandom so you should be sucked into mine. Also, I'd like to see your take on the two of them. & ya know, fandom whore-age is something I want. I read many but I just can't seem write anything but HP.

Also true. & that's part of why I love it. In fandom you're just your words and there aren't a lot of opportunities for that in life.

ps. I think you said you were nominated. but. That is SO great.


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