remembering when you were mine in a still suburban town

Jul 17, 2005 21:32

So, HBP. yeah.

I finished the book last night & went straight to bed 'cause I could no longer think, had weird dreams I can't really remember & made notes immediately upon waking up this morning because I knew there would be no way I could possibly think about anything else until I had. They are mostly incoherent squeeing though.

• Inferi. zombies! OMFG THERE ARE FUCKING ZOMBIES! CANON ZOMBIES. I couldn't possibly be any happier about this. HOLY FUCKING SHIT. a;hgf;kajehg;!!!!!!!!!

• Finally we get some snogging. & so much shipiness. the H/G didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. I kind of wanted it to bother me more than it did. & Remus/Tonks felt inevitable.

• Hermione's turning into a bit of a bad girl at times. This is a good thing.

• Harry's obsession with Malfoy. Hello five bajillion H/D fic in the making.

• The fucking Weasleys, man. I love them and that Harry got to be at the Burrow for the summer. And Fred and George are fucking geniuses.

• Tom Riddle. omg. Morfin! The Riddle backstory so deliriously fascinating.

• Love love love the Slytherins & that we get to see more of them. & the scene in the compartment on the Hogwarts express. gah.

• Polyjuice, love potions, luck potions.

• Blaise. omg. "He invited Longbottom." "Well, I assume so as Longbottom was there." asklhdf;kahg;a!!!1!. He is hard to please. He is an ass. I LOVE HIM SO. Did JKR know? Has she been reading Blaise!fic. or are we just psychic. Either was colour me extremely pleased. Also: "I wouldn't touch a filthy little blood traitor like here no matter what she looked like." ! key word here is she me thinks. ha! never has it been easier to rationalize B/D (not like I ever needed that excuse). & he is pretty & his mother is a fucking black widow!

• DE!Draco. And he's so unsure that he want to do it. and CRYING IN THE FUCKING BATHROOM. and being discovered by Harry ! & he couldn't kill Dumbledore. OMG character depth. totally fucking blown away. & pleased as punch. & he's totally become disillusioned with Crabbe & Goyle it seems. Never has there been more reason for Draco and Blaise to flee with zombies at their heels! Also: girl!Crabbe&Goyle so fucking amusing.

• The vanishing cabinet (I totally need to go back and read that bit of OotP again) and all the other little things that were just mentioned that are suddenly important (thought atm I can't think of any but I know there were some).

• The Room of Requirements' hiding things incarnation. Man, I bet there's some cool shit in there.

• Patronuses change.

• The scene in the train compartment again. Harry & Draco doing real bloody harm to each other. man oh man oh man I've been waiting for that.

• Horcruxes.

• Dubledore's mistakes are pretty fucking huge when he makes them. I'm still not really sure he's dead. I keep thinking of Gandalf. Though I also still keep Sirius can't possibly be dead but that still seems to be the case.

• Snape. I wonder if Snape's killing him was just due to self preservation and the Unbreakable Vow or if he really did want him dead. either Snape is the best actor in the entire fucking world or Dumbledore is a gigantic moron. I quite like the idea of him being a double double agent & possibly not having actually made the decision either way until he was forced into it. He is entirely more fascinating now than before. Also really fucking smart. No wonder Dumbledore wanted him to stay teaching Potions for so long.

• Remus moodily gazing into the fire at Christmas. So pining for Sirius. S/R is so canon.

• Harry not coming back to school next year. And Draco also maybe not coming back to school. and war. and Diagon Alley nearly empty and there are two bits of fic that I've been writing (since rather a while ago) that now turn out to be HPB cannon (sort of). How very odd.

• Most open ended ending so far, the didn't even make it to the Hogwarts Express again. So many questions to be answered.

There is more I'm sure. May or may not actually add it later.

In conclusion JKR's got a pretty fucking amazing brain and I am fucking in love with this book (you can tell how much by the excessive use of the work fuck in this post).

also I can't believe it was only yesterday I read the book. Seems like it's been at least a month (or maybe I just feel like that 'cause I'm so ready to read it again already)

half blood prince, harry potter, zombies

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