
Jun 21, 2004 08:53

Challenge from phoenixdru. Words: language, bait, chance. And Sirius Black. Wordcount: 201 (but I fudged the word count so it’s actually 210, same numbers though, see).

Be warned, this it complete angsty sap.

Epitaph - Sirius/Remus, PG )

harry potter fic, sirius, fic, sirius/remus, remus

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Comments 16

longsunday June 21 2004, 13:02:18 UTC
... You make me love Sirius more. I didn't even know that was possible. o_0 because

...all the while ignoring the hook working it’s way through his cheek

just made me all OOTPWAH and shit like that, yanno? And the second bit, about swearing because ordinary words could not possibly encompass the depths and heights of his feelings makes so, so much sense and reminds me of too many people and it's marvellous. Nice job. ;)


greenapricot June 22 2004, 15:18:05 UTC
I think I actually made myself love him more too. I always liked him but I never really thought about it that much. Lately, though, I've had the urge to write MMWP!Sirius (I have a suspicion he'll just turn into a less mad than usual Blaise though so I haven't).

The hook through the cheek, yeah, that was totally about OotP right there. And the swearing, he just seems the type, you know. He just is the type. There's no other way it could be. And, I know people like that too (myself included to a certain extent).

Thanks, love. :D


wyoming_knott June 21 2004, 13:11:02 UTC
That was...*sigh*... really spiff. Just. Sad.



greenapricot June 22 2004, 15:18:36 UTC
The default mood of my writing seems to be sad.
Glad you liked it. :)


smoopy June 21 2004, 19:15:36 UTC
Aw. So cute. But, 'leeches,' instead of 'leaches' maybe.
I love swearing!Sirius. :D


greenapricot June 22 2004, 15:19:01 UTC
Hmm, according to my dictionary 'leach' is a variation of 'leech' but I think leach is right here. Damn English language is so confusing.

And, thanks, it's good to know someone is paying attention to stuff like this. :)

Swearing!Sirius is teh best! :D


berne June 21 2004, 20:53:00 UTC
*happysigh* <3333333333


greenapricot June 22 2004, 15:19:25 UTC


lunicanca June 21 2004, 23:09:52 UTC
Sirius Black was a rash, abrasive idiot and you couldn’t not love him if you tried.I think that's probably one of the most true things said about him. He's so aggravating and has a total lack of foresight (no matter how much time he's given to mull something over), but even though you know all this, you still love him ( ... )


greenapricot June 22 2004, 15:21:08 UTC
He's so aggravating and has a total lack of foresight ... but even though you know all this, you still love him.
Yes, exactly. And all he can get away with doing the most stupid infuriating things, that in someone else you would never tolerate, but with him it just makes you love him more.

most people say that the use of swear words indicates a small vocabulary , but I've never really thought so
Yes, and yes again. I've always thought of swears as extra emphasis, where good emphasis or bad, and when really I swear up a fucking storm. (heh)

Your feedback rocks so hard. <33333


lunicanca June 22 2004, 21:39:50 UTC
Your feedback rocks so hard. <33333

;) I try. <333333


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