is there sunlight on your bed?

Mar 03, 2009 11:24

Media wot I have been consuming and enjoying of late:

Leverage. I'm up to ep. five episodes so far. I really like Parker and Hardison a lot and ninja Christian Kane is highly amusing. If the show took itself just a tiny bit less seriously I think it would be perfect, but as it is it's nice mindless amusement and who doesn't enjoy a little of that ( Read more... )

dollhouse, watchmen, lord peter wimsey, leverage, skins, books, life on mars, being human, comics

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Comments 9

coiledsoul March 3 2009, 17:33:56 UTC
life on mars UK is phenomenal. the us version is utter crap. harvey keitel should be punched in the face by philip glenister repeatedly. "i'm the gene genie, you fucker!" it's a classic example of how much uk television trusts it's audience to "get it" while american tv would rather drop anvils on you until you're bludgeoned to death. but yeah, the two seasons of LoM are two of the most perfect seasons of TV i've ever watched. and i don't feel cheated by their brevity. they told the story they set out to tell and did it wonderfully.

if you have a tivo, bbca starts airing the sequel (sort of) Ashes to Ashes this sauturday. i haven't seen it yet but i'm interested. basically a new di, this time in 1981 and this time a woman, has a similar experience to sam. the only cast member they brought over from LoM is glenister.


greenapricot March 4 2009, 23:54:11 UTC
it's a classic example of how much uk television trusts it's audience to "get it" while american tv would rather drop anvils on you until you're bludgeoned to death.
Yes. That is exactly it! Also, the brevity thing, short is totally fine with me as long as the story gets told well. In fact I think telling a story with fewer episodes often leads to much better storytelling, less filler episodes. The more UK TV I watch the less patience I have for US TV.

I just finished LoM S1 last night and it was completely satisfying all the way through. I'm glad to know that S2 keeps up the same quality, and I'm definitely going to keep my eye out for Ashes to Ashes for after.


waxpapervillain March 3 2009, 19:22:22 UTC
Also, I love Helo. Even when he's not doing anything.

Right?! He is *~beautiful~*


greenapricot March 4 2009, 23:54:42 UTC
He really really is.


popcorn_orgasms March 3 2009, 22:14:39 UTC
Thanks for tv recs. I watched S2 of Sarah Connor Chronicles this weekend and I am looking for some new shows to watch. I rec Ender's Shadow. Ender's Game is enjoyable but I think Ender's Shadow is brilliant. Bean is the main character and it gives you a completely different view of things. I do enjoy that world though.


greenapricot March 5 2009, 00:01:25 UTC
I tried watching SCC when it started, but I never even made it all the way through S1. I didn't find it to be bad just not as good as I wanted it to be. And it made me realize how much Sarah Connor really is Linda Hamilton to me. I just couldn't accept the TV actress as really being that badass. I will check out Ender's Shadow though. The fact that it's Bean POV really intrigues me.


turnonmyheels March 4 2009, 20:27:45 UTC
Lots of interesting plot bits revealed like the dude that Helo's (yeah, I don't remember his name in the show) been hounding is actually a doll.

I missed that! How did I miss that? Why do I delete things immediately after viewing them?


greenapricot March 5 2009, 00:04:58 UTC
*snicker* So that's why you didn't like it as much as ep. 2, 'cause that right there is exactly the reason why I liked 3 more. I don't know how you missed it, the dude wakes up in the chair and says "did I fall asleep?" just like Echo does.


turnonmyheels March 5 2009, 01:31:25 UTC


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