is there sunlight on your bed?

Mar 03, 2009 11:24

Media wot I have been consuming and enjoying of late:

Leverage. I'm up to ep. five episodes so far. I really like Parker and Hardison a lot and ninja Christian Kane is highly amusing. If the show took itself just a tiny bit less seriously I think it would be perfect, but as it is it's nice mindless amusement and who doesn't enjoy a little of that now and then.

Dollhouse. I really enjoyed the second ep. and then I liked three even more. Lots of interesting plot bits revealed like the dude that Helo's (yeah, I don't remember his name in the show) been hounding is actually a doll. I like how that changes pretty much everything about his investigations so far. Also the dolls having a bit of memory bleed through. I do feel like I have heard a lot of this story before though, and as much as I'm enjoying it in this incarnation I kind of wish Joss would branch out a bit more.. I really do feel like it's going somewhere and that that somewhere is likely to be quite interesting. Also, I just really like watching Eliza and I'm hoping that we'll get to see her and Tahmoh on the screen at the same time at some point.

Life on Mars (UK). Almost done with S1 I am totally in love with it. I'm really really enjoying watching Jon Simm play a nice guy. The show is just plain excellent all around and it does make me wonder why anyone felt the need to make an American version. I mean how could they possibly improve on it? And I really don't see how US TV's tendency to drag things out as long as the show can manage to stay on the air regardless of there being any story left to tell will work for a concept like that. Anyway, I'm not a huge fan of cop shows usually, but a cop show with a twist (that twist being a detective gets in a car accident and wakes up in 1973 (and all the interesting questions/things to think about that putting a character with 2006 values into 1073 bring up)). Totally there. If you haven't watched this show you really should.

Skins. I started watching this figuring it would be just candy, something that would keep me vaguely amused and on task when doing completely mindless work that it's otherwise hard to concentrate on. And then I kind of fell in love with it. First with Tony, then with Maxxie and then every other character on the show. It's still kind of candy what with all the pretty and the tendency to be a bit cracky but it is very good candy.

Battlestar Galactica. I've way behind (only up to 4.07) but I'm quite enjoying it in a way that I sure didn't during S3. I think knowing how much people seem to be enjoying 4.11 on has helped with that too. Also, I love Helo. Even when he's not doing anything.

Being Human. I'm still purposefully way behind on this (still savoring the good stuff) but I fall a little bit more in love with each ep. I watch.

Ender's Game. I had no good reason for not reading it till now, there's been a copy of it sitting on my shelf for years and I just never got around to it but. Wow, am I ever glad I finally did.

Fables. It took me a while to get into it (like the first two and a half trades for some reason, I guess I wasn't in the right mood or something) but once I did I basically devoured everything I could get my hands on (which is up through vol. 10). I completely fell in love with Boy Blue during, well I don't remember which book it was 'cause I read 3-7 all in one go, but during his back story and subsequent awesomeness, anyway. And now, after just finishing vol. 10, I really want some Boy Blue/Rose Red fic. There doesn't seem to be any, though. All the Fables fic I've come across is Bigby/Snow.

Dorothy Sayers' Lord Peter Wimsey Mysteries. I actually first discovered them through a Doctor Who fic (which is quite good in it's own right). Partially because of that, and partially because I think they are actually similar I keep finding similarities between Lord Peter and David Tennant's Doctor. It makes me wonder if DT (and/or RTD) is/are a Sayers fan(s). Anyway, clever British aristocrat and his clever valet who solve mysteries in their spare time. I see so many pieces of so many other characters that I love in the two of them that it sometimes makes me feel like I'm reading back story on the whole world. Also, I find it quite humorous at times (though when I read the funny bit to T he just thinks I'm odd).

Also, I'm looking forward to Watchmen on Friday. I don't expect it to be as good as the book, of course, but I really like what I've seen of the visuals so far and it's been long enough since I've read it that I should be easily able gloss over minor fuck-ups anyway.

It is March and we got more than a foot of snow between late Sunday night and around dusk yesterday. *sigh* It is, at least, sunny today. I am so so done with winter.

dollhouse, watchmen, lord peter wimsey, leverage, skins, books, life on mars, being human, comics

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