these are good friends these are mine

Jan 25, 2008 14:55

First and foremost: Happy Birthday my dear kittyzams!

I feel like I've known you all my life even though we only actually met in person three months ago. You are such an amazing caring and wonderful person my life is better for knowing you. I hope your day is beyond fabulous 'cause someone as fabulous as you deserves nothing less. <3333333333333 ( Read more... )

torchwood, fnl episode babble, tw episode babble, sarah connor chronicles, supernatural, fnl, birthday, movies, kittyzams

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Comments 11

femmenerd January 25 2008, 20:48:31 UTC
DAMN. There is a John W/Sarah Connor fic out there and I can't find the link. It probably wouldn't be too hard to find though - it was pretty popular when it was posted like a year or two ago.

Have a good weekend, baby!


greenapricot January 28 2008, 15:15:36 UTC
You know, now that you mention it I think I remember that too. And I just did a quick delicious search and I think I found it.

I had a great weekend. :)


femmenerd January 31 2008, 05:41:43 UTC
Yep, that's the one. Also, River is a TERMINATOR. omg.


kita0610 January 26 2008, 00:19:08 UTC
"Moral ambiguity is totally a bullet proof kink for me."

GAH. Me too.


greenapricot January 28 2008, 15:16:59 UTC
*starts a club*

It is the one thread that connects all of the fictional crushes I have ever had.


untitleddemo January 26 2008, 01:17:13 UTC
Thank you, baby! I'm so glad to have you in my life. You always make me feel so happy. <333

I was sooooo glad that Julie fessed up. I'm excited for tonight's episode to see what happens next!

I'm watching the Sarah Conner Chronicles too. I like it, especially Summer Glau. I think she sorta makes the show.

Have a good weekend!



greenapricot January 28 2008, 15:18:49 UTC
But you make me feel happy. *grins and grins at you*

Summer Glau is all kinds of awesome. Also, it's nice to see her playing someone bad-ass who's not crazy.

I did! :D



(The comment has been removed)

greenapricot January 28 2008, 15:20:57 UTC
Yay! I'm glad I'm not alone too.


kiwitayro February 2 2008, 19:31:14 UTC
yeah, as of S2 i think ianto is my favorite. LOVE the snark!


greenapricot February 3 2008, 19:31:00 UTC
Snarky Ianto FTW!


kiwitayro February 6 2008, 15:36:54 UTC
yah, i stole that icon. "always at the ready!"

does Ianto call Jack "sir" in bed???


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