these are good friends these are mine

Jan 25, 2008 14:55

First and foremost: Happy Birthday my dear kittyzams!

I feel like I've known you all my life even though we only actually met in person three months ago. You are such an amazing caring and wonderful person my life is better for knowing you. I hope your day is beyond fabulous 'cause someone as fabulous as you deserves nothing less. <3333333333333

The media I have watched in the last week:

Friday Night Lights. My stock reaction to FNL since it came back from hiatus seems to be. OMG. TIM RIGGINS. *sigh and hand on heart* Not that that's really a surprise to anyone I'm sure. I am so so glad that Julie came clean about what actually happened. it really would have broken my heart to see Coach think so badly of Tim when he was actually doing the right thing for once. Other than that though that boy just cannot catch a break, can he?

It was good to see Jason for five seconds. I was wonder what he'd been up to. Also, I miss Waverly.

Juno. Almost even better than the awesomeness that is Juno is the fact that it lived up to the hype. A movie involving and unwanted pregnancy that does not end with keeping the baby. This makes me very happy. As did all the wonderful snappy snarky dialog and the music. After having watched Hard Candy the week before I think I'm kind of in love with Ellen Page now. Juno and Bleeker are just about the cutest thing ever. BUT, that doesn't stop me from wanting Mark/Juno fic in the worst way. I looked but there isn't any. *sigh* Also, I totally want to know if the writer had a particular Sonic Youth album in mind when Juno says she bought one and it's just noise.

The Sarah Connor Chronicles. I've only watched the pilot so far but I'm quite into it. Though I did have to suspend a fair amount of disbelief to get there. But it's a Terminator show if I was looking for completely believable I would be watching, well, something else.

I really really want the Winchesters and the Connors to hook up sometime before they go to 2007. They would be in some roadhouse somewhere out in the desert (I'm thinking Arizona) and Dean would be all twenty-year-old cocky (which is totally more cocky that twenty-six-year-old cocky) and hit on Sarah at the bar. She would brush him off like she didn't even get that he was hitting on her which would totally confuse him and make him try harder so he'd end up sitting next to her most of the night. Eventually he'd end up talking about hunting 'cause it's a hunter's roadhouse and she's got that look about her so he just figured. And she doesn't let on that she's not a hunter 'cause close enough and then John W come back from whatever he was doing in the back with other hunters that he won't tell Sam and Dean about and the Connors and the Winchesters will somehow end up traveling together for a bit or something. Sam and John C will bond over how they just want to be normal and their parents are fucking weird. The boys would have shooting contests and Sarah and John W would have hot dirty sex in the back of the Jeep with both of them trying to be in control.

Torchwood. I am really REALLY loving S2 so far. When the moral ambiguity and bastardlyness is high, oh man, am I ever a happy camper. This is exactly why the whole concept of Torchwood interested me in the first place. Outside the government, beyond the police. Yeah, that means that even though they are doing these things to save the world and, you know, for good, they don't have to get there by doing it right. They have carte blanche to do whatever they deem necessary to reach their ends and oh, they are going to. Oh, how I love it when the good guys do bad things. LOVE IT. Moral ambiguity is totally a bullet proof kink for me.

Also, snarky cocky Ianto is just about the best thing EVER. I wonder if he and Jack have had their date yet, 'cause man I want to see that shit on screen. Or at least see the rest of the team tease them about it.

And, shortly, I am off to spend the weekend further out in the woods than I live. hoozah.

torchwood, fnl episode babble, tw episode babble, sarah connor chronicles, supernatural, fnl, birthday, movies, kittyzams

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