hey, i've got nothing to do today but smile

Oct 27, 2007 13:18

I have ahead of me a weekend with no obligations and damn, does it feel good. I could go grocery shopping but it's really not necessary 'cause there is food and the kitchen is clean and the dishes are all washed and the new Wes Anderson movie is playing in the local $5 theater. Which means that the most pressing decision I have to make today is ( Read more... )

spn episode babble, ...the universe and everything, supernatural

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Comments 19

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greenapricot October 29 2007, 15:06:47 UTC
That silent look at the end of the Magnificent Seven is one of my favorite moments of the show EVER. It really does say so SO much. And it's so true about the looks, one of the things I really love about SPN is how much gets said when nothing is actually being said. It fills me with joy it does.


goonies_nsd October 27 2007, 21:24:14 UTC
It's just that Dean was always the one taking on the hard stuff, not because Sam couldn't do it but because Dean didn't want him to have to. But, now he does.



greenapricot October 29 2007, 15:07:28 UTC
Oh, boys.



untitleddemo October 27 2007, 21:33:06 UTC
I loved this episode so much. For every reason that you mentioned and also for the gorgeous way that they shot it. Our pretty, pretty show. *pets*


greenapricot October 29 2007, 15:11:10 UTC
Really, how did we get so lucky with the AWESOME and the PRETTY and the AWESOME.

*loves all over it*

ps: I was sitting on my porch in the sun yesterday afternoon drinking wine and watching the leaves blow around and it made me want to come visit you or have you come visit me.


untitleddemo October 29 2007, 21:54:30 UTC
I was sitting on my porch in the sun yesterday afternoon drinking wine and watching the leaves blow around and it made me want to come visit you or have you come visit me.



greenapricot October 30 2007, 02:34:00 UTC
Someday it will. IT WILL. <34


olukemi October 28 2007, 01:46:11 UTC
I'm really liking Ruby, her bitchiness, her chemistry with Sam

You're the second person on ym flist who says she likes Ruby and I'm still trying to figure out why. Also, chemistry? What? Bella and Dean had some iota of chemistry much as it galls me to admit it, but Ruby and Sam? I must be missing it entirely.


greenapricot October 29 2007, 15:16:02 UTC
I don't know why I like her really, I just do. I love that she's fucking with them every chance she gets and that I can't quite figure out what her motivation is and that I don't really want to figure it out beforehand I just want to watch it unfold. *shrug* Also, though, I am very forgiving of everything SPN 'cause it is my happy place so they would have to really fuck it up for me to start not liking things.


berne October 28 2007, 16:44:39 UTC
I'm not going to be able to download 3.04 until next weekend, so I'm making my vision go all out of focus while typing this. *disclaims any typos* But! That S&G song! One of my favourites, ever.


greenapricot October 29 2007, 15:19:53 UTC
It's one of my favorites too! And I think directly related to my huge love for Garden State because they play it at the exact perfect moment in the movie and it makes me sigh with dreamy joy every time.

The stinks about having to wait to download. You know, if you ever find yourself at a point where mail from the US would be quicker than the amount of time you have to wait to dl I'd be glad to burn you some eps and mail 'em to you.


berne November 2 2007, 20:07:53 UTC
See, another reason why I must watch Garden State. *adds to list* I remember seeing S&G perform at Hyde Park a few years ago, and that was the one song I really loved and really thought they wouldn't play. And they did! I almost choked with glee.

Naw, thank you! That's really lovely of you to offer. I'll definitely take you up on that if it ever looks like it's going to be three weeks or more without an episode. I think that's my limit. <333


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