I have ahead of me a weekend with no obligations and damn, does it feel good. I could go grocery shopping but it's really not necessary 'cause there is food and the kitchen is clean and the dishes are all washed and the new Wes Anderson movie is playing in the local $5 theater. Which means that the most pressing decision I have to make today is whether to see that or the classic matinée which is the 1956 version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
The thing about SPN is that I love it to bits. Tiny itty bitty bits, but I know it's not the best show ever (except that it is, you know) but Sin City, man. That shit was fucking awesome and not just in the usual squeey way. They've got some mythology going on there and the plot is thickening to this rich dark chocolate, the kind of hot chocolate that is the equivalent of a really good French roast, the kind they talk about in books (like Swordspoint) where people drink chocolate not coffee and they're not talking about Swiss Miss packets. Um, yeah. Which is to say our little show has grown up.
I am really loving the new mythology this season. Azazel (I love it when things that fandom theorizes turn out to be right on. (And that also seems to be happening a lot, especially with little characterization things that I can't think of right now but yeah, again, go show.) Lucifer as the demon world's Jesus and the whole humanization of the demons, man, I love it so much.
I love Sam the boy king and the incredible angst that is going to bring up in the future. I do think that what Dean brought back is 100% Sam, I mean we saw Dean shoot Azazel's son in a similar fashion in Devil's Trap because he was saving Sam. It's just that Dean was always the one taking on the hard stuff, not because Sam couldn't do it but because Dean didn't want him to have to. But, now he does. I also think that Dean's deal has made Sam realize just how much he needs Dean, not that he didn't know it before but I think it was more that it never crossed Sam's mind that Dean would ever not be there if he really needed him, even when he was at Stanford. Dean was always out there somewhere and now in less than a year he's going to be gone and I think that scares the shit out of Sam more than the whole demon plan for him does, 'cause Sam can't imagine a world without Dean any more than Dean can imagine a world without Sam. And, more than that it scares him what he's willing to do to save Dean, and that he is now (or will be soon) in the same place Dean was in in AHBL and as much as he's pissed at Dean for sacrificing his life for him he's afraid that when it comes down to it he will do the same thing. Or worse.
I love Dean and Casey's talk. I love that she calls him bitch. I love that he won't admit how completely freaked he is but that you can see it in his eyes. I love how really fascinated he is with the demons' own bible stories (and you better believe that I am too). All the story about the demons so far this season makes me feel like it's Christmas or my birthday 'cause they just took this show that I completely love and added one more thing that I completely love to it.
I'm really liking Ruby, her bitchiness, her chemistry with Sam, her many dubious offers of help. I'm totally looking forward to her and Dean having a showdown over Sam at some point.
I love Bobby's presence this season, that the boys keep going back to him for help. I love him threatening to shoot Dean. I love him tinkering with the Colt. And I love that Dean ask him if he thinks there's anything wrong with Sam (and, of course, Bobby thinks Dean might have a point there but he's not going to say that to Dean he's just going to keep as close an eye on both of them as he can).
I love that we're seeing other hunters (though too bad the one's that don't want to kill Sam keep getting killed). I love Dean and Richie trying to out sleaze each other. I love Dean turning down the hooker and "cheapskate". I love Sam's botched breaking and entering. I love how fucking incredibly pretty both boys were in this episode.