so that's what the volume knob's for

Jul 12, 2007 20:49

Man, it was fucking GORGEOUS out today. I went to lunch with my friend R from 12:30 to 4. We sat outside by the cafe in the bookstore where they have the best turkey clubs EVER with actual slices of roast turkey, not just sandwich meat, thick bacon and bread from a local bakery. I used to get them all the time but I haven't had one in months and. ( Read more... )

farscape, harry potter, order of the phoenix, ...the universe and everything, supernatural, comics, movies

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Comments 8

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greenapricot July 14 2007, 16:14:36 UTC
It is indeed Boyd. He's the Draco in my head too (and this is the Blaise, though he was formed pre-HBP and so is no longer canon accurate. Old habits die hard though).

I will most definitely bring Mountain Goats to the beach. In fact I will be bringing all of my music since I just bought a laptop and I'll be bringing it along.


olukemi July 13 2007, 03:12:42 UTC
I was, kind of, um. totally obsessed with Farscape when it first aired and now currently have the entire first season sitting in my living room. so, uh, hit me up with squeeage. XD;


greenapricot July 14 2007, 16:32:54 UTC
I don't have any crazy squee yet, just general liking of it quite a bit. I'm sure the flailing will come though. I'll keep you posted. :D


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greenapricot July 14 2007, 16:36:29 UTC
SO canon. OMG. I've been saying it since the joint Christmas present (and then the Shrieking Shack scene in the PoA movie) and seeing it on screen makes me very very happy.

Did you know that the girl who plays Luna is an HP fan and that she petitioned the director to get the role says that she was the only one who could play Luna? She was to totally right.


mona1347 July 18 2007, 01:05:50 UTC
MOTHERFUCKING WORD on all the Remus/Sirius stuff. From "it really happened in canon" to Remus grabbing Harry after Sirius falls through the veil. *clutches at my HP OTP*


greenapricot July 19 2007, 12:39:36 UTC
SERIOUSLY. I was into Harry/Draco and then really into Blaise/Draco when I was actually active in HP fandom, but through all that Remus/Sirius has always been the ship that was really REAL to me. Oh, do I ever love them.


*frantically skips spoilers to comment* kiwitayro July 18 2007, 16:25:21 UTC
how is R's hair!?

and "ooh, farscape." josh was really into that & made me (forced. eyes pinned open, i tell you.) watch a couple eps & i liked it. he might have all of them, but then again, he's a watch & delete kinda guy.

yes. will have to watch OOTP soon.


Re: *frantically skips spoilers to comment* greenapricot July 19 2007, 12:46:34 UTC
It's good. She cut something like 11 inches off but it's still really long and she said that now it's shorter she realized how much of a pain it was when it was so long so it's all good.

I downloaded S1 'cause it's not available on DVD anymore. The rest of the seasons are though so I'll probably just netflix 'em. Downloading 7 gig is tedious.

Yes, OotP. I've only seen it once and I NEED to see it again in the theater. Book 7 tomorrow though, the life of a fangirl is so busy.


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