so that's what the volume knob's for

Jul 12, 2007 20:49

Man, it was fucking GORGEOUS out today. I went to lunch with my friend R from 12:30 to 4. We sat outside by the cafe in the bookstore where they have the best turkey clubs EVER with actual slices of roast turkey, not just sandwich meat, thick bacon and bread from a local bakery. I used to get them all the time but I haven't had one in months and. Yeah, I think people (that aren't Dean Winchester) often underestimate how great a sandwich can be.

So, anyway. Apparently there's this movie about some wizard kid and some sort of mythical bird. I saw that last night.

It pleases me how close Sirius and Remus were sitting at the table when Harry first sees them. (And is Sirius' arm actually around Remus? I will have to pay closer attention on subsequent viewings.) Also, Remus standing behind Sirius when Sirius is hugging Harry. No joint Christmas present, or even any Remus at Christmas. I suppose joint Christmas presents aren't really integral to the plot, though. Still there was a very Remus/Sirius vibe going on and it makes me happy. (Apparently if you take me away from Potter fandom for awhile I come back a hardcore Remus/Sirius shipper. Who knew. I have always said that of all the slash I've ever shipped Remus/Sirius is the only one I really think happens in canon.)

I love Luna! A lot. A LOT A LOT. She really couldn't have been any more awesome. The delivery of her lines was spot on and her dreamy crazy serenity. That girl was right, she is the only one who could play Luna and she was fucking perfect.

And speaking of absolutely perfect, Alan Rickman continues to be absolutely perfect as Snape. I wish there'd been more of him.

Fred and George's triumph! The fireworks and the high fiving in mid air and Flitwick's surreptitious fist pump. I love their Weasley's Wizard Wheezys case too. They are just made of awesome I wish there'd been more of them.

The fight in the Ministry was really great, I like the swirly effects and how clearly outclassed the kids were once the Order showed up. Also, so glad they got the Dumbledore calling Voldemort Tom in there. I've been loving that a lot in my rereading and it was totally great to see it on the big screen. And, there's something I find strangely appealing about Ralph Fiennes' Voldemort. More perfectness there I guess.

Remus grabbing Harry after Sirius falls through the veil. gah. I love it. I really really love Remus a lot and there's something about the way he's holding on there that just made my heart break a bit. There really wasn't enough Remus in the movie but what we got was very good so I'll take that.

I am very satisfied with the whole thing they did a great job keeping important info that was in scenes that weren't kept. I did really miss the Ginny being awesome and joking around with Fred and George and being her own person, though. OotP was when I really started to like Ginny a lot and it's too bad that didn't make it in. I hope we get some of that in the deleted scenes. Also, not much Draco which was kind of odd considering how much of a part he plays in the next book.

AND, Luna says at the end (and I'm paraphrasing here): things don't always come back to you the way you'd expect them too. Hello, Sirius isn't really dead hint! I guess we'll find out for sure about that NEXT WEEK. OMG.

Picked up issue 3 of the SPN comic on the way to OotP. My feelings on it continue to consist of "eh" and "it doesn't totally suck".

Also, I watched the first two episodes of Farscape the other night and I am rather enamored with it. And the other awesome thing about it is that T likes it too. So, off to watch more.

farscape, harry potter, order of the phoenix, ...the universe and everything, supernatural, comics, movies

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