when we was young, oh man did we have fun

Jul 10, 2007 08:32

There were thunderstorms off and on all day yesterday culminating in one around 6:30 or so where it got dark like night and there was crazy fucking lightning every couple seconds for like five minutes. I could feel the electricity in the air. It was freaky. Then the sky (or the clouds anyway you couldn't see the sky the clouds were so crazy thick and dark) turned a creepy yellowish color and there was 3/4" hail and it rained so hard that I couldn't see the trees on the other side of the yard. Now I know what people mean when they say they sky just opened up, that was more water coming out of the sky all at once than I have ever seen before. And then the power went out (with an actual bang) until sometime in the middled of the night when I heard the fridge click back on. Nature is freaking cool, man, it will fuck your shit up.

I spend a lot of time lately thinking about the Winchesters fucking girls (Dean and teenage!Dean in particular) and how John from Farscape is like Dean in space despite the fact that I haven't actually managed to watch any of the show yet. This is all femmenerd's fault, of course. Also, AU teenage!J2 (which has nothing to do with Femme 'cause she isn't strangely compelled to read high school AUs like I am). Also, I think about Mulder and Scully and how there needs to be sex with LONGING and how Mulder does things to me and how some of the dialog in S4 the best ever (despite the conspiracyness getting a bit overbearing (which doesn't btw, make me love it any less)). It is distracting from working on things that I don't want to be working on which is both very good and not so good.

I need more icons that involve Dean putting things in his mouth.

Baby mammoth!

Shit! OotP really is coming out tomorrow! OMG. I mean they changed the date and I wasn't really paying attention and then the theater only had a midnight showing listed for tonight and then the poster that still said it was coming out on Friday. But today they have the real schedule and it is playing every hour on the hour starting at 1:00 tomorrow. (Haha, I was totally looking up something important in another tab when the movie site loaded but now I totally can't remember what that was). kiwitayro are you around tomorrow? Ack. *runs in circles*

Hi, it is very very very humid out, though thankfully not very hot (yet), and I think the combination of that and having nothing but tedious and mindless work to do for the last couple weeks is maybe effecting my brain.

farscape, harry potter, order of the phoenix, dean, x-files, weather

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