i'm back to save the universe

May 02, 2007 22:56

This is so much randomness.

This part is from yesterday:
• Heroes fucking rocks like the rockingest rocking thing EVER. I love a show that ( has spoilers )

...the universe and everything, my car is fucking awesome, prisoner of azkaban, heroes, work, harry potter, tackball woes, comics, stuff and nonsense

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Comments 5

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greenapricot May 4 2007, 13:29:03 UTC
*twirls you*

I'll review it a some point. Or flail about it as the case may be. I think I want to read it again first though.

Dean is grinning at Faith.


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greenapricot May 4 2007, 13:35:00 UTC
No no. Dean in my icon and Faith in your icon. *snicker*

Also, have you seen this? I have read it yet, but the manip. *swoon* (oh, 'tis Dean/Tim btw)


random_serious May 3 2007, 15:42:15 UTC
Bon Jovi was on

Say what now? (What? I was a teenager when that song, that hit song became a monster hit, and I never quite recovered.) Loves me some Jovi.


greenapricot May 4 2007, 13:32:37 UTC
My love for Bon Jovi goes back a long long way and though I once tried to deny it it has never really waned (though it's the old school stuff, Slippery When Wet, New Jersey, that I know and love anything after '90 and I haven't a clue).


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