i'm back to save the universe

May 02, 2007 22:56

This is so much randomness.

This part is from yesterday:
• Heroes fucking rocks like the rockingest rocking thing EVER. I love a show that fucks with it's own canon. I mean that was all AU, right? 'Cause Hiro is going to get Sylar. But damn, that was not Nathan the whole time and the bad guys were the good guys and just. YES.

• I've never had any interest in American Idol and today my dental hygienist kept talking about it (despite my "reality tv's not my thing and I only download stuff" comment) and now everyone's talking about how Bon Jovi was on and I'm kind of sad I missed it.

This part is from today:
• I washed my car today while I was out doing errands (errands which included looking over a proof at the printer, going to the comic book store, buying four pairs of jeans, six tank tops, one tshirt, and one hoodie for $17.38 at the Salvation Army (yay half off day), trying but failing to buy and indoor/outdoor thermometer that's not wireless (six store and nothing. crazy) and getting passport renwaal forms among other things) and, man, there's not much that's prettier than a newly washed cherry red '85 Saab. All day driving around I kept thinking about how much I love my car and smiling back while people watching me drive past. This may have something to do with my not having my car for the past week and a half and being forced to drive T's (which is great in it's own right it's just not mine or y'know the best car ever which mine is) but mostly it's just 'cause I love my baby (yes, the car is my baby. I'm not kidding about that best car ever thing).

• My trackball is fucking up again, or not this one again (I think this is the third one I've had over the years) but I can't live without it and it doesn't like to go up and down so much anymore. I need up and down.

• It's interesting how Harry says he's Neville on the Knight Bus in PoA with all the similarities between the two of them that come to light in future books. Also, I knew this already, but it's really apparent in the rereading how much better the books are than the movies.

• Work projects keep falling out of the sky. It's rather nice, but I do wish things could somehow be spread out over the year instead of happening all at once. Not that I'm complaining about having work or anything 'cause I'm totally not, it just makes me all scattered and crazyish.

Okay, off to read the Supernatural comic (it was a very successful comic book store trip earlier today. *nod*) and then bed.

...the universe and everything, my car is fucking awesome, prisoner of azkaban, heroes, work, harry potter, tackball woes, comics, stuff and nonsense

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