hey d.j. play the one i know you know

Apr 25, 2007 00:20

Heroes! Um, WOW. Color me totally impressed. They are doing everything right. EVERYTHING. I really love every single character and everything they're doing with them. Especially the Petrellis. I really don't understand why I'm not more fannish about the show when I can't help but say things like "fuck, yeah" out loud while I'm watching. I mean, ( Read more... )

spn episode babble, the black donnellys, ...the universe and everything, memes, heroes, recs, harry potter, supernatural

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Comments 8

femmenerd April 25 2007, 05:08:33 UTC
I &heart; you. I would do this maybe but I can't imagine that there are any of my interests or icons that don't make sense to you.

Randomly--H would have won the poll. She got 4 or 5 of them right--perhaps it has to do with having lived around me in CA? I should make the evil twin take it and see.


greenapricot April 28 2007, 15:48:02 UTC
I ♥ you. It's true that there aren't any that don't make sense to me so I just picked some I want to hear you talk about (you know if you're not too insane with school stuff that is). :)

crushing on fictional characters, dangerous angels, dive bars

... )


untitleddemo April 25 2007, 07:38:31 UTC
* I love Heroes but I don't think I'm emotionally attached to any of the characters.

* I ♥ Igby too!

* Ditto to old sad bastard music.

* I liked the lighting in the icons as well. It was hard picking icons for you to explain because I think they're all pretty much self-explanatory.

* I'll have to check out Jacq's SPN fic.

* I'm seriously bummed about TBD being canceled.



greenapricot April 28 2007, 15:53:12 UTC
With Hereos I think I'm just emotionally attached to the show being awesome. Which it continues to be so. *happy*

Ah, Igby. I used to have a bunch of Igby icons before the Winchesters came along.

In short: Yes to everything. :D



tilney April 25 2007, 08:06:57 UTC
Oh man, I really do love that icon. And stupid as it may sound, I think about me when I see it too, if that makes sense :D.


greenapricot April 28 2007, 15:54:08 UTC
It does make sense, and it also makes me happy. And that's one of the reasons why the icon is never going anywhere. :)


ana_grrl April 25 2007, 23:40:40 UTC
I really like the colouring on that Mal/Simon icon too! And I like your uncomplicated love of wrists, too :D


greenapricot April 28 2007, 15:56:19 UTC
Some things are just good 'cause they're good, y'know? :)


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