hey d.j. play the one i know you know

Apr 25, 2007 00:20

Heroes! Um, WOW. Color me totally impressed. They are doing everything right. EVERYTHING. I really love every single character and everything they're doing with them. Especially the Petrellis. I really don't understand why I'm not more fannish about the show when I can't help but say things like "fuck, yeah" out loud while I'm watching. I mean, there's so much potential in everything. It's just odd. and Also. Hello, Petrellicest. Also also, there must be some good SPN Hereos crossovers out there somewhere, right? Bueller?

The icon and interests meme:
Comment and I will give you 3 interests on your list, and 3 icons, for you to explain.

From ana_grrl:

furious boys - This is two part, it's a quote Igby Goes Down (one of my favorite movies) about Igby. "You're a furious boy. I mean eventually you won't be a boy and it'll eat you up." But also I just like furious boys, fictional ones anyway. Teenage, snarky, obnoxious, doing lots of very stupid things. I lot of people didn't like Harry in book five because of his constant yelling, but I thought it was great. Most of my great fictional loves could be called furious boys.

non-linear stories - I love getting a story in pieces, especially if they are at first seemingly unconnected. I enjoying being slightly confused and trying to piece together the big picture and then reading or watching whatever it is again with all the information and seeing how things fit together.

wrists - I just like wrists. heh. No real complicated explanation for that one. :)


Jonathan Rhys Meyers as Blaise Zabini. This is the perfect Blaise face, so fucking annoyed with everything and so hot. *sigh* This icon makes me feel all nostalgic for days of yore. (keywords from Snow Patrol, How to Be Dead (such the Blaise/Draco song): jekyll wrestling hyde)

Bouncy Cillian Murphy! It feels cold but happy and it makes me happy. (keywords an actual description of the pic, imagine that: wild abandon)

Mal and Simon. *sigh* These icons are like a list of obsessions past. The first half of Serenity is all about the Mal/Simon, really. I love the coloring and the way they're turning away from each other here, and the shadow under Mal's chin. Yum. (I know it probably sounds terribly full of myself to say, but sometimes I am a cropping genius). (keywords from Firefly ep Objects in Space: doesn't mean what you think)

From kittyzams:

jacq's writing - Jacq would be my dear longsunday. She is one of the first people I became friends with back when I wandered into Harry Potter fandom four years ago. Jacq's got an incredible way with words, creates fantastic characters (yes, not just fic but kick-ass original stuff too) and never fails to turn me into a flailing pile of squee with her stories. Also, she shares my fascination with the apocalypse, zombies and teh crazy and once wrote me SPN apocific for my birthday. Someday she will write a book and that will make me a very very very happy girl.

Examples of the awesome:
Rules for Jokers - Blaise/Draco, apocalypse (w/zombies kind of)
Ecdysis - Slytherins, Blaise/Draco, just plain mindblowing awesomeness. This is the pinnacle of Blaise/Draco fic in my opinion, and yet so much more.
Headlights on Dark Roads SPN apocific for my birthday last year. What more could a girl ever have asked for?

old sad bastard music - High Fidelity is just genius. Quote form the movie (and the book too), Barry giving Rob and Dick shit about not wanting to listen to his annoyingly upbeat tape. "Put on some old sad bastard music, see if I care." And, man, I do love me some old sad bastard music, there aren't a lot of happy songs I love like I love the sad (or depressing even) ones (and the same goes for movies and books and tv shows and fic too).

starting in the middle - This goes along with the non-linear stories. I love it when a story starts in the middle and ends in the middle too, when it's clear that there was life and things going on before the story happened and will continue to be after it ends.


Another Jonathan Rhys Meyers icon from The Maker a little known movie with JRM and Fairuza Balk. This is one of my oldest icons and I love love love it. I love the color, the way he's leaning. I makes me feel very zen and calm and want to sigh all dreamily. Also, it makes me think of tilney for some reason. (keywords from The Maker (this very scene actually): a star. i see it now)

Dean in scrubs with bare feet. Do I really need to say anything else? I just watched In My Time of Dying again the other day and, wow, was the cinematography great in that ep. (keywords from the Mountain Goats, Dilaudid: reception's gotten fuzzy)

I wish that The Black Donnellys hadn't been so so good in the beginning that everything else ended up being a bit disappointing (though I haven't even watched all the rest of the eps yet so watch it prove me wrong). I also think canceling it after only six eps is was rather harsh. Anyway, Tommy Donnelly, kicking fucking ass (or, well, about to). I love the light in this, (actually I really love the light in all three of these) and I really like my very appropriate keyword choice too. (keywords from Tom McRae, The Boy With The Bubblegun: you punch above your weight)

Well, that was fun.

I realized just now that I never said anything about Hollywood Babylon. It made me happy and all I really do have to say about it is Dean + food = all kinds of awesome. As does geek!Dean, Ben Edlund and pop culture references up the wazoo.

In other news I had an absolutely fabulous weekend (and a busy but extremely productive week so far). It's been gorgeous since Friday. My brother and his wife came to visit and it's been way too long since that happened. We hung out, we played games, we drank a fair amount of wine, we watched SPN (my "take over the world through SPN" plan is now complete), D and I discussed Harry Potter (we've been working on rereading all six book before July 21st) to the snickering of T and K, we went for a hike in the not yet black fly full woods. Life is good.

spn episode babble, the black donnellys, ...the universe and everything, memes, heroes, recs, harry potter, supernatural

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