i was on the roof of my car playing my air guitar

Apr 04, 2007 14:33

It's been a while since I played with the lj haiku thing.

I think that pretty much sums up my lj.

Once I started with the haiku I found it very hard to stop. )

supernatural, lj haiku, spn picspam

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Comments 15

caption kiwitayro April 4 2007, 19:35:16 UTC
dean: i want you to take this burger and stuff it up your ass. right now.


Re: caption kiwitayro April 4 2007, 19:36:15 UTC
dean's next statement: "dad would do it."


Re: caption greenapricot April 4 2007, 19:39:30 UTC

Except that "dad would do it" is how you get Dean to stuff a burger up his ass.


Re: caption greenapricot April 4 2007, 19:43:29 UTC
Although, now that I think about it Sam is way more likely to stick a burger up his ass for John this season than he was last season. arrgh. no. *scrubs brain*


kiwitayro April 4 2007, 19:57:16 UTC
this made me LOL:

say i hate football
hate like with a sledge hammer
in tighty whiteys

here's one from me today:

Swords! Dude, Satan is
a good idea for her.
To be essential...

i like adding punctuation.


greenapricot April 4 2007, 20:47:54 UTC
That one's my favorite. It makes me snicker every time. And think of anthropomorphic sledge hammers waving tiny fists of rage.

Ahaha. Awesome! The haiku thing really is the best little web toy ever.


femmenerd April 4 2007, 22:40:40 UTC
*kiss face*

I feel perplexed about the fact that the next ep looks like it's going to be a goofy one considering Teh Angst from the last one. Dean + Food = Funny, though.


greenapricot April 4 2007, 22:54:35 UTC

I find the apparent funniness odd too but it's written by Ben Edlund and he's always got the perfect mix of funny and angsty (hello Nightshifter) so I've got faith. Also, they did angsty to funny between BUABS and Tall Tales too. gah. Why isn't it on tomorrow? And why can't I stop looking at cat macros? omg. *closes cat macro tab & goes to make dinnerr*


catling42 April 5 2007, 01:42:42 UTC
hahaha haikus! really enjoy the your journey through spn fandom one. also, I feel your icon is highly appropriate for this post. good job ;)

yay boys + food :)


greenapricot April 5 2007, 12:32:27 UTC
Dude, my icons are always appropriate. But thanks for noticing. :D

You know what that picture means? It means that not only can Jensen throw knives, he can juggle. ! I hope we get juggling in the S2 extras.


catling42 April 6 2007, 02:30:36 UTC
:p it just happened dto stand out to me this time.

oooooooh. that would be AWESOME.


untitleddemo April 5 2007, 03:13:49 UTC
The next episode CANNOT COME FAST ENOUGH! I know I'm in the minority, but I totally heart the silly episodes best ( ... )


greenapricot April 5 2007, 12:55:57 UTC
Oh, I like the silly episodes too. I also like the angsty episodes and y'know EVERYTHING. Two more weeks. gah. At least we've got FNL in the meantime (hurry up torrent).

The football one continues to crack my shit up. Just thinking about it makes me snicker. You've got some really awesome ones. Some of my favs (that all make me snicker):

way more than it looks
what's the what straight up pwp
mmm spike has to eat

together in a
holding cell smuttiness ensues
what's the what the
(I like that the last line of this one seems to be from the perspective of a person getting molested in the holding cell)

an erection
spike looked down at his groin
and then email it

yeah that's right me
femmenerd and spike and s2
buffy is awesome

*still snickering*

It like that we both got femmenerd ones. They really are just too fun. *resists the urge to play more*


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