i was on the roof of my car playing my air guitar

Apr 04, 2007 14:33

It's been a while since I played with the lj haiku thing.

I think that pretty much sums up my lj.

that's just flaily
hands of love and songs of hurt
and resentful he

are halfway through or
who knows what halfway is we've
rewound bits of scenes

clicks on link oh my
god those boys are so fucked
and it is awesome
[this is like the story of my journey through spn fandom. or something.]

since she got back from
the eighth dimension named
john and sam not sure
[travelling in time and space is confusing]

beginning with that
title i know i should have
been five wild turkeys

time implodes on me
but hey there you go i'll get
to see femmenerd
[at least when time implodes I'll still get to see my girl. good to know.]

say i hate football
hate like with a sledge hammer
in tighty whiteys
[ahhahah! I have no idea]

finished all the way
i want there to be a point
where i've been working
[ah, if only]

with me while i
type 'cause he doesn't care
if they fuck or beat

and take a swing at
him head upside down over
the room i love that
[and punching!]

loose chunks of soul left
out of nowhere out of ink
right in the middle
[ooh, deep.]

emo in the bedroom
there and he doesn't and he would
actually be
[this one's totally about teenage!Sam]

And, for the finale. Angsty porn!

too slow. he hasn't said
anything yet. sam rubs his
finger across dean.

dean gets how scared
sam has to be. death i pick.
both of us i do.

Also! Came across a few episode stills from the next SPN ep. Nothing spoilery, just amusing.

The second one's still cracking me up.

This post brought to you by lots of snickering.


supernatural, lj haiku, spn picspam

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