struck me kinda funny, seemed kind of funny sir to me

Mar 12, 2007 21:51

Sure-fire cure for a cranky Pri:

Step 1: cut a hole in the box House to myself for the night.

Step 2: Pretty pretty hi-res pictures of Taylor Kitsch. ( Hi Taylor! )

taylor kitsch, random picspam, the young riders, northern exposure

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Comments 26

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greenapricot March 14 2007, 01:19:17 UTC
I cracked my shit up when I wrote that, let me tell you. Glad I'm not the only one who finds my dorkiness amusing. :D


kiwitayro March 13 2007, 12:58:56 UTC
the one where that guy is like "WTF??" looks like pony.

how'd you like to send me SEASON 2??? (minus eps 1 and 2, which i have.)

i am not out of eps yet, but i've seen up to/through S1X18.

curse you.


kiwitayro March 13 2007, 13:03:37 UTC
oh and "Pri" is the cutest thing evar.


greenapricot March 14 2007, 01:28:29 UTC


greenapricot March 14 2007, 01:27:53 UTC
ha! You're totally right (though at first I kept reading it as "looks like a pony" and I was all "no he doesn't").

I made three discs for you and when I gave them all the M to give to you when I got dropped off at my car I told her she could take the S2 one ('cause that's where she was) but that she should give it to you when she was done. So, you can bug her or I can just make you another and mail it. Just let me know.


Have I mentioned that your shoes icons make me smile?


random_serious March 13 2007, 19:07:18 UTC
The facial hair is slightly skeevy. And why is his shirt ON him, huh?


greenapricot March 14 2007, 01:29:14 UTC
I'm not that into the facial hair but the pretty far outweighs the skeevy for me.


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