struck me kinda funny, seemed kind of funny sir to me

Mar 12, 2007 21:51

Sure-fire cure for a cranky Pri:

Step 1: cut a hole in the box House to myself for the night.

Step 2: Pretty pretty hi-res pictures of Taylor Kitsch.

And there's even more (and bigger) over here.

Step 3: Whiskey.

Step 4: Bath.

Step 5: Early nineties tv of dubious quality that I have so much affection for it's just really really good no matter how cheesy it gets (ie The Young Riders).

& speaking of early nineties tv, both the X-files and Northern Exposure discs I recently netflixed had episodes with guest stars from The Young Riders (Kid and Lou respectively). And that NE episode, Cicely? Yeah. One of things I still love about that show is how it provides its very own cracktastic old west AUs right in canon. That and philosophy spouting outlaw Chris. I mean what's better than that? Well, Jimmy Hickok (and Cody saying "How does it feel to be naked in public" to Jimmy when he gets his gun taken away to gain entrance to a dance (which makes me think of Dean in Nightshifter, and then that makes me think of Dean and Jimmy and then Dean and Tim and yeah. Now I'm going to go watch the next ep which is a Jimmy ep (in which a madam takes a fancy to him!) !)).

taylor kitsch, random picspam, the young riders, northern exposure

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