struck me kinda funny, seemed kind of funny sir to me

Mar 12, 2007 21:51

Sure-fire cure for a cranky Pri:

Step 1: cut a hole in the box House to myself for the night.

Step 2: Pretty pretty hi-res pictures of Taylor Kitsch. ( Hi Taylor! )

taylor kitsch, random picspam, the young riders, northern exposure

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Comments 26

ana_grrl March 13 2007, 01:56:06 UTC
Awww! Don't be cranky! Have a bath, drink some whiskey (I prefer vodka myself), and then watch some of this:

Cruel Earth. Late 90s post-apocalyptic stuff with British accents! And it's online and streamable! SWEET.


greenapricot March 13 2007, 02:38:04 UTC
See but I'm not cranky (I totally typed cracky first, which would be untrue, 'cause I am still totally cracky. heh.) anymore though 'cause I have followed my steps quite thoroughly. :D

Whee! Apocalypse! (& dude, I had too look and I found a torrent and it's avis in there.)

Ahha! Your icon!


ana_grrl March 13 2007, 22:01:30 UTC
Dang! If only I could figure out this torrenting thing. It never seems to work for me.

Also, the online eps website seems to have crapped out all of a sudden. I don't get it :(


greenapricot March 14 2007, 01:35:47 UTC
This particular torrent is going rather slow, but I could give you torrent pointers (for like, ones that aren't really slow or whatever). What are you having trouble with? And do you have a PC or a Mac?

Man, that sucks.


catling42 March 13 2007, 02:07:21 UTC
good lord he's pretty.

you're (extra-)hilarious when you're drinking whiskey. *pets you*

teehee, I like your crazy show! I'm glad I know what you're talking about now :) also, ha! Dean and Jimmy! naked w/o weapons... hee.

crap, I had a question to ask you. but I've forgotten it. oh, but D was saying today that K had gotten all curious while she was watching spn and had joined her for a bunch of it. *amused*


greenapricot March 13 2007, 02:42:17 UTC
See. See! And look how shiny his lip is in the one with the hood up. *flials a bit* I had them all open in photoshop so I could resize them and I haven't closed them yet and I keep hitting F10. pretty.

I do my best. :)

Dean and Jimmy. I know! That's like my type or something. (also, Dean and Jimmy naked. heh.)

Awesome. Which ep? He totally can't resist the car. It's in his BLOOD.


catling42 March 13 2007, 03:45:42 UTC
I really like the one with the hood up. adfjlkfjlkd

I've lost all ability to comment on things like Dean and Jimmy naked, after those pictures. brain overload.

the last ep they saw as of this morning was Bugs. which made me laugh. because it's Bugs. I don't know how much of what K seemed surprised it was actually scary sometimes (she said wendigo and bloody mary and skin were scary). hm. I think season one was scarier overall than season two.


greenapricot March 14 2007, 01:14:41 UTC
I like the one where he's leaning on his hands on the rug.


haha. Bugs. It does have the ass slap though. And the sitting on the hood of the Impala and Sam grinning at Dean in that "I love you" Sammy way. I really don't think any of it is all that scary (besides I was way too caught up in the hotness of shapeshifter!Dean beating on Sam to find Skin scary) Asylum definitely creeped me out the first time round, though. um, blah blah blah blah.

You know, that sentence you wrote doesn't make all that much sense. Just saying. Did you mean D not K? or do you mean the other K. hah. whatever.


femmenerd March 13 2007, 02:39:18 UTC
Dude. We need to get on the organizing of the NE thing. Shall I get the first three discs and you get the second? You know my address right?


greenapricot March 13 2007, 02:48:49 UTC
Oh, you're totally right. Yeah, that sounds good. It says there's only 5 discs though so I'll just get the last two. & yes, I've got your address. (& at some point you'll have to tell me which train stop 'cause I've forgotten, but that can all happen later)


femmenerd March 13 2007, 02:55:15 UTC
K. I just switched my queue and I'll put the netflix in the mail tomorrow. TTYS. Or maybe real quick right now.


moosesal March 13 2007, 02:48:56 UTC
Unh. You just took all my words away with the picspam.


greenapricot March 14 2007, 01:16:53 UTC
I do what I can. :D It really is an awful lot of pretty to have in one place.


poisontaster March 13 2007, 03:43:44 UTC
Oh, you be so pretteh? *sighs*


greenapricot March 14 2007, 01:17:53 UTC
Between him and Jensen, man, it really makes thinking difficult.


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