struck me kinda funny, seemed kind of funny sir to me

Mar 12, 2007 21:51

Sure-fire cure for a cranky Pri:

Step 1: cut a hole in the box House to myself for the night.

Step 2: Pretty pretty hi-res pictures of Taylor Kitsch. ( Hi Taylor! )

taylor kitsch, random picspam, the young riders, northern exposure

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ana_grrl March 13 2007, 01:56:06 UTC
Awww! Don't be cranky! Have a bath, drink some whiskey (I prefer vodka myself), and then watch some of this:

Cruel Earth. Late 90s post-apocalyptic stuff with British accents! And it's online and streamable! SWEET.


greenapricot March 13 2007, 02:38:04 UTC
See but I'm not cranky (I totally typed cracky first, which would be untrue, 'cause I am still totally cracky. heh.) anymore though 'cause I have followed my steps quite thoroughly. :D

Whee! Apocalypse! (& dude, I had too look and I found a torrent and it's avis in there.)

Ahha! Your icon!


ana_grrl March 13 2007, 22:01:30 UTC
Dang! If only I could figure out this torrenting thing. It never seems to work for me.

Also, the online eps website seems to have crapped out all of a sudden. I don't get it :(


greenapricot March 14 2007, 01:35:47 UTC
This particular torrent is going rather slow, but I could give you torrent pointers (for like, ones that aren't really slow or whatever). What are you having trouble with? And do you have a PC or a Mac?

Man, that sucks.


ana_grrl March 17 2007, 23:00:46 UTC
Are you still getting the torrents? I hope not, because lucawolf uploaded things for me (although I'm not sure of the quality yet, I haven't had time to download one). Here's the link:

Sorry I couldn't let you know earlier - I didn't have email access yesterday!

Also, the website seems to be working again, with the eps online. Weird!


greenapricot March 18 2007, 13:24:58 UTC
Yay! The torrent downloaded just under half of it and then stalled completely so I've got nothing yet. Until now. This is awesome! And, based on the file size I'd say it's probably pretty good quality.

*downloads like crazy*


ana_grrl March 18 2007, 18:24:19 UTC
I watched a couple, and the files are good quality!

...sadly, I think the show is somewhat more cheesy than I remember. Oh well. Still! It's got some good stuff in there!


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