i can do the robocop

Sep 10, 2005 10:49

Went to see Red Eye last night. And while 20 ft. Cillian is very very pretty, especially with the close up view of the freckles. The movie itself .*shrug* I'm glad I was prepared to not like it very much 'cause I would have really hated it if I'd gone in expecting to really like it. But as it is, yeah, not the worst movie ever (though it's one ( Read more... )

cillian, random, friends, movies

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Comments 10

femmenerd September 10 2005, 15:46:29 UTC
*loves on your boyfriend* Say hi for me.

It's pretty awesome having a partner that smiles and indulges the fangirliness. Every once in a while I realize that not everyone does.

Mine of course, is, on occasion prone to treating the computer like a romantic rival but generally it's all good.


greenapricot September 12 2005, 13:56:27 UTC
:D He says hi back.

Isn't it though. Everyone should be so lucky.

Mine just makes slashy jokes at inopportune moments, which is not really all that bad a thing actually.


longsunday September 10 2005, 18:45:33 UTC
you do have The Best Boyfriend Ever, of course. :D

& you should write, like, Hp Goes To America. only, not lame. with Blaise. *g* ... not that that helps with the speaking. but pretend i was being helpful?

*loves on* why can't we live in the same place? SO UNFAIR.


hint hint wink wink implebeian September 10 2005, 22:38:28 UTC
Ooooo. write! write!!

Maybe throw in some language barrier, too. Harry Potter and the frustration of Pants! You wear pants, I wear pants. I wear your pants under my pants!!! Lalala.. XD


Re: hint hint wink wink greenapricot September 12 2005, 14:12:45 UTC
Hmm, I don't know. Though the thought of Blaise and or Draco & the pants vs. pants conversations is quite amusing.


greenapricot September 12 2005, 14:11:07 UTC

I'm not sure I could do that without the lame. I mean just the whole idea of HP in America seems kind of lame. But I suppose that's just 'cause I've not seen it done well (either that or the fact that I so much want to be in the UK/Europe that I can't think of a good reason why they'd want to come here).

*schnoogs* really why can't we? it would be so GREAT.


femmenerd September 12 2005, 21:10:27 UTC
He should make you that shirt that he was talking about the last time I was there - the one that just says "I <3 /"

My J-man just keeps telling me that I get dirtier and dirtier the longer he knows me. Which might be true but I think it might have always been waiting to come out.


greenapricot September 14 2005, 12:49:05 UTC
I've contemplated that shirt many times (that or i/ which is even more wonderfully cryptic). Trouble is I don't know where I'd wear it. I randomly run into so many people (often work related) walking down the street I'd be afraid some client type person would ask what it meant. That's the trouble with small towns I guess.

Me thinks you were probably always like that. That's the conclusion I've come to about myself anyway. :)


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