i can do the robocop

Sep 10, 2005 10:49

Went to see Red Eye last night. And while 20 ft. Cillian is very very pretty, especially with the close up view of the freckles. The movie itself .*shrug* I'm glad I was prepared to not like it very much 'cause I would have really hated it if I'd gone in expecting to really like it. But as it is, yeah, not the worst movie ever (though it's one Cillian film I'll not be purchasing).

The best thing about it really was that the boyfriend agreed to go along with me even though he had no interest in seeing it (& he agrees that Cillian is hot). *loves on the boyfriend* When we got home we decided we needed to see a really good movie so we watched Garden State again.

I had a realization earlier (yesterday? sometime.) that I should maybe read more books that take place in my own country 'cause everything I write ends up in England or Europe and never here and I keep trying to write characters that speak in a way diffrerent than I do. But then I don't plan on not writing HP fic so I'll still be doing that. Not sure what I'm getting at really. Sometimes the inside of my brain is odd.

la la la. I'm going to the farm stand now to buy fruit.

cillian, random, friends, movies

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