Title: The Right Psychopath Won Fandom: Law & Order Disclaimer: It's not mine. Pairing: Mike/Connie Rating: PG Prompt: The right psychopath won Requestee: jennib82
OMG, thank you! I'm so excited; you have them both down so perfectly. Especially Connie. This is totally her. I also love how you captured the fact that she can be annoyed at him and yet understand him at the same time. It takes a lot for Mike to alienate Connie.
I also love how you captured that whole anxious/apologetic part of his personality. It's like deep breath...apologize...all while thinking please forgive me, please understand. He kind of does stupid shit and then awkwardly throws himself on her mercy. It's rather endearing.
I wanted to show that at that point in the series, Connie had reached a point in her relationship with Mike where she knows that she has to expect that he'll do stupid things in court, but at the same time, it won't be an attack against her like it would be if it were someone else using those tactics.
Poor Mike - he's just so in love with Connie, but he's his own greatest enemy. Thankfully Connie is so understanding and they've managed to build such a strong relationship.
I LOVE IT. If anything else comes to you with this pair, you know, by all means, please feel free to write it. I am ready and willing to provide squeeage
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Comments 3
OMG, thank you! I'm so excited; you have them both down so perfectly. Especially Connie. This is totally her. I also love how you captured the fact that she can be annoyed at him and yet understand him at the same time. It takes a lot for Mike to alienate Connie.
I also love how you captured that whole anxious/apologetic part of his personality. It's like deep breath...apologize...all while thinking please forgive me, please understand. He kind of does stupid shit and then awkwardly throws himself on her mercy. It's rather endearing.
I'm glad you liked it!
I wanted to show that at that point in the series, Connie had reached a point in her relationship with Mike where she knows that she has to expect that he'll do stupid things in court, but at the same time, it won't be an attack against her like it would be if it were someone else using those tactics.
Poor Mike - he's just so in love with Connie, but he's his own greatest enemy. Thankfully Connie is so understanding and they've managed to build such a strong relationship.
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