Victorians at the beach

Sep 04, 2010 17:29

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Comments 5

katekat1010 September 5 2010, 01:41:49 UTC
hey so what's your dreamwidth account name? gray_ghost again?


gray_ghost September 5 2010, 02:16:24 UTC
Yup...should be.


katekat1010 September 5 2010, 01:42:26 UTC
oh and yeah, i really doubt they were worried ;)

when did the victorian age end?


elizabuffy September 5 2010, 02:14:28 UTC
The sad part? They're showing more skin than I do when I go to the beach/pool/place of water. I have a wonderful swimming costume that only bares from the neck up, the hands, and the feet. :D



ianmcdonald September 5 2010, 07:14:39 UTC
great shot --but, being a pedant, if it's 1905, it would have been Edwardians by the beach, not Victorians.


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